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Hey, welcome to X-Wing Strategy Tips. I'm your host, Nick Sibicki. I know it's been a really long time since I last posted a video up to this X-Wing Strategy Tips YouTube account, but I've been really busy with actually winning lots of X-Wing since I last posted the video. I've won five more tournament medals and I have lots of new tips and tricks to show you guys. Since then, Wave 3 has also come out. We have a lot of shakeups as far as the ships and abilities and what's actually important when you're building a squad or even when you're flying a squad.
Still a lot of the classics remain, but I hope in this new series of videos we're going to get into Wave 3 stuff a little bit more. This first video is going to explore this concept that I think is really important to X-Wing players, but almost nobody knows it. This is called the Rule of Eleven. This applies to whenever you're initially approaching your opponent from right across the board. This often happens if you get into a jousting kind of situation where you're just setting up across from each other and then flying straight at each other. This Rule of Eleven is so important for maintaining the optimum distance for which you should approach your opponent.
Let's talk about it in a little bit more detail. As you can see here, I've got two bombers versus two X-Wings. These are both lined up at about range 1 from each edge. This is very similar to how a game might start. Just so you know, let's pretend that these bombers are carrying lots of range 3 kind of ordinance and these X-Wings are pretty much just in defensive mode and just want to get in there for those range 1 shots and light up these X-Wings with lots of target locks and crits and things like that. Or sorry, these bombers with lots of target locks and crits.
The goal, at least on this initial approach, the optimal strategy for the person with the bomber here is to actually get into range 3. The optimal goal for the person with the X-Wing is to prevent that as much as possible and try to get into short range situations so this person can avoid the ordinance. Remember, if you're firing something like assault missiles, at range 3 the defender does not get a bonus die. So you get all the benefits of the missile itself plus the defender doesn't get the bonus at long range. However, at close range the missile might not even be able to go off. It's very important that this tie bomber player gets an appropriate range.
This is what the rule of 11 is going to help you decide and determine during this game. So let's say both people move a total distance of 1 on the very first round of firing. So everyone's being really patient. And this is really important, this distance of 1. I want you to keep this in mind. But before you put it in your brain and remember it, I broke my tie bomber. That happens. I want you to notice that this movement forward of 1 is actually a total distance of 2 units. You have the ship base itself as well as the ship template. So it's a total of 2.
And let's say the X-Wings move 1 forward as well because they can do so as well. Being kind of sloppy here because I'm also trying to make sure everything's in the camera shot. So what we actually have so far is we have a total distance of 4 moved. One template, one template, one ship base, one ship base. The rule of 11 is basically a summation saying that if you want to fire your shot at the opponent or at least have a target lock or do anything within range of the opponent, you need to move a total distance of 11 between the two of you before that can happen.
So right now we've only moved a total distance of 4. The X-Wings have moved 2, the tie bomber's 2, that's 4. So we have 7 more to go. So if you're the tie bomber player, you know that the X-Wings have to move at least 2 more on their next turn. The X-Wings can't go slower than 1. They don't have any backwards maneuvers, they're not a shuttle, they can't stall, they can't do any of that. So that means the minimum total value for the next maneuver is actually going to be 6, before you move that is. We've already moved 4, plus we're going to go, minimally, 2 more with the X-Wings.
And we also know we need to get into 11 in order to target lock them and shoot them at long range. So if the X-Wings go only 1 more, we need to go a total of 5. And luckily for us, the tie bombers have a forward maneuver of 4. And remember, 4 is really 4 plus 1. So that's going to be 5. So let's just move the tie bomber's 4. And if indeed the X-Wings try to slow play again, and they only go 1, like so. We'll measure the range here in a moment. And you'll see that that is a very nice, clean range 3 shot. Perfect approach for the tie bombers.
Let's say the X-Wings did something different though. Let's say they didn't go forward 1, like you assumed. Again, that was only the minimum distance. And I'm trying to watch the camera, and I probably shouldn't be, that's alright. Let's say the X-Wings went their maximum distance of 4. So instead of totaling 11 now, as in the previous example, we've gone 2 plus 5 with the X-Wings for 7. And we've gone 2 plus 5 with the tie bombers for 7. So we're actually at a total distance of 14. This is still okay. This is basically as good as the X-Wings could hope for. But even then, they're still not in range 1.
They're actually still sort of at the back of range 2. And because of this, these tie bombers are still going to be able to get their ordinance off, still be able to fire their torpedoes or missiles or whatever they have, and score some easy hits on these X-Wings. No matter what the X-Wings do on that second round, they were basically screwed. They couldn't get out of range 2 or 3. They couldn't approach fast enough in order to upset the missiles. So this is super cool, right? If you realize the rule of 11, you can get into long range distance of your opponent and acquire your locks or target your missiles, do whatever you need to do.
Keep in mind that if you ever go over 15, that is, if you get up to 16 or so on your total distance traveled, you're actually going to end up in range 1. And we can see this right now. Right now we're at range 2 after having gone 14. If we go two more forward, right, here's one more template, one more ship base, one more template, one more ship base, this is now a total of 16. We are now in range 1. So we could also say that the converse to the rule of 11 is the rule of 16.
If these X-wings can get to a total distance of 16 before the TIE bombers can get to a total distance of 11, the X-wings will win this round. If the TIE bombers only, you know, are able to get to that total distance of 11 before the X-wings can close in quickly, the TIE bombers are more likely to win. So initiative is a really big deal and it turns out whether or not you actually have initiative, whenever you move your ships, that's when you want to get to that distance of 11 if you're the one firing the missiles.
So if your opponent has initiative, also works is they'll move their ships and you'll want to move into that total distance of 11 and you'll be able to get your locks. If you have initiative, you're just going to move first in the round and you want to already be at 11 so you can pick up the lock right then and there and hopefully they won't go for, otherwise you'll hopefully have to have some short range ordinance or some other strategy. At least you'll have gotten your target lock so if you're able to withstand one round of beating here, you can K-turn and get off some sort of ordinance on the next round or two.
This rule of 11 is really useful, again if you're flying TIE bombers or TIE events or anything that holds missiles, bombs, things that are long range ordinance or even just a B-wing with an HLC quite frankly, you can apply this rule in any sort of jousting situation. Alright, I've reset the board, I want to give you guys a little more practice trying to apply this skill, again it's such a useful skill that you really need to have it down if you want to time your approach as well.
Let's say you're the TIE bomber player and again you want to make use of this rule of 11 so you want to get your ships in position where there's a total distance of 11 traveled and for intents and purposes let's say the rebel players have initiative, on your first turn you go one. I broke my bomber again. Alright, now these rebels instead of going one like last time they go four. So this is a different situation, X-wings are flying right at you, they want to come in hard and fast and now the question is what do you do? We're not at 11 yet, we've only gone five and two so we've only gone a total distance of seven.
We want to make sure that we can get within range 11 on the next one. Well this is actually not that hard, if we know that the distance we need to cover on the next round is four, we know the X-wings have to go at least one forward just basically by definition of being an X-wing and we know the TIE bombers have to go at least one. Well if everyone does their minimum movement, that's one plus one plus one plus one, ship plus template, ship plus template, four plus seven is 11.
So as a TIE bomber if the X-wings go four on the first round all we need to do is go one and no matter what distance these rebel players go they'll end up within range of either range two or range three depending on how fast they go. And the X-wing players should go four again here and try to avoid the missiles as much as possible, get in there for a closer range shot but at this point they don't really have a chance, they're just going to get shot no matter what.
Alright let's do one more problem, one more practice problem that is, we reset the board and I'll give you the answer of course but I want you to try to solve it before it comes around, it's being obvious. Alright so on the first maneuver let's say the bombers go one again and you'll notice that one is actually a really good maneuver for these bombers because it lets you pace the other ships accurately, the other ships sort of have to tell you what you're doing on the first move, so as it were.
This time let's say the rebels go forward two, let's say it's the exact same situation as the last game, the rebels have initiative, the TIE bombers want to get off their long range weaponry. Alright so the X-wings go forward two, now what do you do? Well think about it for a moment, give you about ten seconds, we've got one over here, we've got two over here, figure out the total and figure out the distance that's left that's need to go.
Alright so if you said we're at a total distance of five right now and if we need to get to eleven, you need to add in the minimum distance of the rebel player, that's two more, so that's going to bring us to total seven, and that means there's four left which means we need to go four minus one that, three more with the bombers right, one, two, three and then the bomber will be the fourth. And so if you said three more forward, you were correct, assuming that the rebel players actually moved first here, no matter how fast or how slow the rebel player moved here, again they were screwed, they were going to get shot up by these weapons.
And there it is, range three, beautiful isn't it? It's a very very beautiful thing it turns out. Now what if we take the converse here and especially if these weren't X-wings, these were TIE fighters or something that can move really fast, what we'd be really trying to do would basically be apply the rule of ten. And the person over here that does not want to get shot at range three wants to come as close as possible to going within range three without actually going in it, so on the next maneuver they can rush in.
So we've got to get to ten, that's a little more tricky as it turns out, because as we've noticed there's nothing we can do to prevent these bombers from getting within eleven, no matter how fast or how slow we move in a round. But still that should be your goal and your opponent might make a mistake, just try to get the total to add up to ten before you do anything. So here's an example, let's say on the first maneuver these X-wings go forward one, oops, that ship goes there. And let's say you're playing against an opponent that actually goes four with their bombers.
Alright so now we have a problem, we've only gone total of seven again, we know that the bombers have to go at least one forward so they're going to end up at nine, which means quite frankly, no matter what we do we're screwed at this point, which means we have to rush. And if the TIE bombers go forward four again, we're in really good shape. Because that just brought us up to twelve right now, and if the bombers go five that brings us to seventeen, that's a close range one shot.
So this is what you can do if your opponent doesn't know the rule of eleven and they're trying to fly TIE bombers on you or something, you need to try to time it such that you end up right outside range three and then you can rush in at the perfect moment. Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this X-wing strategy tips video. In the next video we're going to be talking about flying in formations, but a new type of formation that I've been employing now for several months and it's served me very well. But I've seen almost nobody else using it, so I think at this point it's still more of a secret than anything else.
The word has not gotten out how cool this formation is compared to just your standard box flying in formation. So you'll definitely want to check out that video, come back and see me again. .