Join us as we delve into the fascinating life and work of Karl Menger, a significant economist and founder of the Austrian School of Economics. From his formative years to his educational journey, we'll explore Menger's career as a journalist and his profound contributions to economic theory.
Get to know the man behind the theories, including his interactions with influential figures such as Crown Prince Rudolf and his reflections on societal issues. Menger's work had a far-reaching impact on the field of economics and he is remembered as a towering figure in the Austrian School.
We'll also explore Menger's influence on Austria and Europe, and discuss the profound impact Crown Prince Rudolf's death had on him. Menger's radical views proposed a more decentralized and economically sound society, suggesting a different course of history that might have prevented world wars.
Finally, step into Menger's sanctuary, his library, which served as a refuge for him and his students. This journey through Karl Menger's life is not only a tribute to his legacy but also a deep dive into the history of economics. Join us and discover the man who changed the face of economic theory.
Schumpeter said that men come more or less out of the blue. Which of course is not right. Nobody comes out of the blue. Mija 150 lat od wydania książki, która na zawsze zmieniła to, jak patrzymy na wartość. Mija też 100 lat od śmierci jej autora. Człowieka, który urodził się na targanach i nędzach i politycznymi konfliktami prowincji, by 30 lat później stać się nauczycielem następcy tronu Austro-Węgier, profesorem Wiedeńskiego Uniwersytetu i założycielem Austriackiej Szkoły Ekonomii. Człowieka, który wyprowadził ekonomię z błędów zarówno Karola Marksa, jak i Adama Smitha. ekonomisty, o którym większość dzisiejszych studentów ekonomii nawet nie słyszała. Jak zwykle przy okazji okrągłych rocznic mamy do czynienia z wieloma konferencjami i seminariami.
Pojawiły się naukowe publikacje, vlogi prezentujące dorobek, a nawet petycja, by w rodzinnym mieście Karla Mengera pojawiło się rondo jego imienia. Jeden z wiedeńskich instytutów, ograniczony covidowymi regulacjami, zorganizował nawet swój event w formule wideo. Różnorodność Mengerowych wydarzeń to świetna okazja, by wreszcie spróbować opowiedzieć historię Mengera od początku do dziś. Tyle, że Karl Menger to wiele historii w jednej. Dla swojego syna, Karl Menger, zaczyna się wspomnieniem ogniska. Na 10 lat przed śmiercią, Menger miał puścić z dymem prawie całą swoją korespondencję i prywatne notatki. Dla ekonomistów, Menger zaczyna się nieco wcześniej, na wiedeńskiej giełdzie. Obserwacje zmieniających się cen akcji miały stać się inspiracją do opisania zjawiska użyteczności krańcowej.
A dla mnie Karlmenger zaczyna się w miejscu idealnym dla narodzin jednego z największych modernizatorów cesarstwa, w liczącym wówczas 7 tysięcy mieszkańców Nowym Sączu. To tutaj znajduje się pierwsza w historii wzmianka o naszym bohaterze. Z tego aktu chrztu, który zachował się w Kolegiacie, który jest pierwszym dokumentem o istnieniu Karla Mengera na świecie, wnioskujemy bardzo dużo faktów, które tak naprawdę odsłaniają nam realia tego życia tutaj w Nowym Sączu. To jest 23 lutego 1840 roku, więc to jest data narodzin. Dalej mamy 12 marca, to jest data chrztu. Okres pomiędzy narodzinami Karla a chrztem, który jest bardzo długi, może nam zasugerować, że Karl był bardzo zdrowym dzieckiem. Zazwyczaj w Galicji, kiedy dziecko rodziło się słabe, chorowite, chrzczono je niemal błyskawicznie po narodzinach, obawiając się tego, że po prostu może przedwcześnie. . . umrzeć.
Dalej mamy 22 i to jest numer domu. Urodził się pod numerem konskrypcyjnym 22, czyli właśnie w tym budynku. Ta kamienica należała do rodziny Kostarkiewiczów. To wszystko nam pokazuje ten mały świat Mengerów, który tutaj był i możemy identyfikować kolejne miejsce poza kolegiatą właśnie z Mengerami. A dalej są dane rodziców i jest tutaj szlachetny Antoni Menger, Antonus Menger, Wolfesgrün. Tytuł Wolfesgrün możemy przypuszczać, że został nadany ojcu Karla, Antonowi Mengerowi. za to, że pojechał odważnie na koniec świata austriackiego do Galicji. I mało tego, bardzo lojalnie i dobrze wywiązywał się ze swoich obowiązków. I dalej mamy mamy, Karolina Gerżabek, córka Józefa i Teresy Nata Kalaus. To była bardzo ciekawa rodzina w ogóle, bo Gerżabkowie przybyli znowu z Czech.
Dorobili się na wojnach napoleońskich i postanowili zainwestować ten majątek właśnie tutaj. I ostatnia rubryka to są chrzestnicy. i to jest dosyć ciekawe, bo tutaj chrzestnym jest Józef Gerżabek, czyli wygląda na to, że jest to dziadek. I dalej mamy chrzestną, czyli Teresę Gerżabek, która jest ciotką Karola. Maniowe to był majątek, który gerżabkowie kupili, zainwestowali w to pieniądze, przenosząc się z Czech. Kupili właściwie majątek w wielkiej ruinie po prostu i rozwinęli ten majątek dosyć prężnie, bardzo też przychylnie odnosząc się do swoich chłopów. Niedługo po narodzinach Karla ojciec zostawia matkę w posiadłości teściów i wyjeżdża w interesach do Białej. Średnie wyniki biznesowe ojca Karla mogły wynikać na tym poziomie. z gospodarczego załamania.
Trzy lata słabych zbiorów doprowadziły do czterokrotnego wzrostu cen oraz przyczyniły się do krwawego buntu chłopów pańszczyźnianych przeciwko ziemiaństwu. W 1846 roku trwa rabacja galicyjska. Chłopi wyruszają, żeby mordować swoich panów. Rozpoczyna się rzeź. Tymczasem ta historia jest dla dziadków zgoła inna niż dla większości ziemian, ponieważ ich chłopi, garżabków, chronią. Tworzą straż chłopkom i dzięki temu garżabkowie z rabacji wychodzą bez szwanku. Grzabkowie mieli całkiem inną perspektywę względem chłopów, względem tych, którzy dla nich pracowali, niż przeciętny ziemianin z Galicji. Byli kupcami, nagle trafiają do majątku, nie mają tej mentalności takiej gnębienia chłopów. Oni patrzą inaczej na tych chłopów, bardziej z ludzką twarzą. Najstarsze wspomnienia Karla to właśnie strach o bliskich, którzy mogliby ucierpieć podczas buntów chłopskich oraz obraz ojca pracującego. w swoim gabinecie pełnym książek.
Anton Menger wyjeżdża do Bielska w drugiej połowie lat 40. Tam zakłada biznes włókienniczy, wchodzi w politykę. W roku 1848 na fali Wiosny Ludów zostaje wybrany na posła. Niestety zachorował i zmarł na początku sierpnia 1848 roku. Sadly, his father passed away when Karl was only eight years old. and left the family in the widow with 10 kids. Six of these kids have survived, three sisters who survived and three brothers. You can imagine that it was a catastrophe and a disaster for the family. It's definitely a switch that is turned in the life of young children. They have to be more independent than other children probably.
Karl miał potem wspominać, jak ogromne wrażenie zrobiła na nim posiadająca skromne środki, ale potrafiąca związać koniec z końcem matka. Około 1843 roku Karl Menger opuszcza Nowy Sącz, wyjeżdża do swoich dziadków, do Gerżabków, do majątku Maniowe, gdzie ogląda życie miejscowości, gdzie patrzy może jako dziecko na te stosunki dwór chłopi. Skoro te stosunki były dobre, to Męger nieraz zawędrował z dzieciakami nad rzekę, obserwował pracę chłopów, był związany z tymi ludźmi, którzy tam żyli. Karl to obserwator uczestniczący. Wraz z braćmi, starszym Maxem i młodszym Antonem, eksplorują okoliczne szlaki, bawią się z rówieśnikami, przyglądają się pracom mieszkańców, ale też im pomagają. Wszędzie ich pełno. Wszystko muszą poznać, wszystko zrozumieć. I to w niezwykle ciekawym momencie historycznym. To dni, gdy na tych ziemiach właśnie zniesiono pańszczyznę. Mimo dobrych wyników w nauce, Carl powtarza drugą klasę szkoły realnej.
Podobno kiedy wreszcie dostaje się do Cieszyńskiego gimnazjum, młody Karl zaczyna zarabiać pierwsze pieniądze udzielając korepetycji młodszym kolegom. Jego pierwszym uczniem jest syn gospodyni, u której się zatrzymał. Gimnazja tamtych lat to głównie nauki humanistyczne, języki obce, francuski i angielski, klasycznie łacina i greka. To właśnie w gimnazjum Karl wyrabia swój literacki styl, precyzyjny, przejrzysty, czasem niezgrabny i pełen powtórzeń. Zaczynając od rana, zaczęły się leksje z dziennikarką. Jeden rok wcześniej, to była katholicka szkoła, a nauczyciele mieszkały w szkole. Cała atmosfera w szkole była chrześcijańską, katolicką. Pewnie nie byli to studenci, którzy po prostu siedzieli w swoim miejscu, słuchali swoich nauczycieli i robili to, co powinni. ale i też w szkole elementarnej się zupełnie nie patyczkowano, o czym przekonał się też Menger. Niestety musi opuścić placówkę i zostaje przeniesiony do gimnazjum św. Anny w Krakowie.
W Krakowie Karl spędza rok. Zainteresowany postacią Tadeusza Kościuszki, Polaka walczącego u boku George'a Washingtona w amerykańskiej wojnie o niepodległość, poświęca mu swój wierzeń. Wiosną 1859 roku kończy z wyróżnieniem gimnazjum św. Anny. Jesienią pakuje książki i kałamasz i wyrusza na podbój miasta, z którym kojarzony ma być już na zawsze. Przed nami Wiena, stolica imperium. Wiena w XIX wieku była niesamowitą i straszną miejscem. Stata była prawie zniszczona. Zgubili wojnę w Italii. Historowie wskazują, że Ostrożny Imperium była jedną z najgorszych. W XIX wieku. zwłaszcza w drugiej połowie XIX wieku, zaczęły się bardzo szybko zająć. Wiedeń, do którego wjeżdża Karl, to miasto przechodzące właśnie najpoważniejszą zmianę w historii. Cesarz Franciszek Józef decyduje się zrównać z ziemią średniowieczne mury obronne.
To był koniec Wienii, gdzie jest teraz Wielki Bramkarz. Były tradycyjne, medycynne wojny Wienii. I Wielki Bramkarz, myślę, zakończył się w 1865 roku. Rząd sprzedał terytorium Wielkiej Brytanii. of the old fortifications of the city. 168 million gold ones were received from the Säbener, and this was invested in Vienna. And you built all the palaces, you built the university, you built the parliament. Beautiful large houses by famous architects. Apartment buildings, bank branches, the palaces for rich families. This was a construction site, one construction site. When Mängel started here, it was one construction site. There was a lot of investment coming into Vienna, but it was also a huge conglomerate from the entire nations of the empire. People moved into Vienna.
The people who rushed to Vienna were highly talented, were interested in doing new things. What an enormous growth. A lot of poverty, a lot of difficulties of the life, but still people ran away from villages i próbują się znaleźć w nowym, urbanym środowisku. Pewnie nie ma innego miasta w Północy, który był tak dywersywny jak Wienia. Najlepszy miejsce, gdzie można było się zainteresować społecznymi fenomenami. Dla niego to fascynujące, to wielka miasta, konstantny ruch, konstrukcje i wielkie struktury. stock exchange. There was definitely economic boom. Very optimistic look into the future and how technology and entrepreneurship will improve the living conditions of the people and you can see that already starting in Vienna. Constitution is reenacted. Press has much more freedoms. University reform is underway.
You could choose any textbook you wanted. But it doesn't last long and after the first year of studies, it's back to the beginning. I tak oto Karl, student profesji swego ojca, ląduje w rodzinnych stronach swej matki. Two philosophy professors left Vienna University when Menger left Vienna, and several other professors came to Prague just when he came here. So we don't really know whether this is the reason, but it wouldn't be uncommon. if academic reasons were behind his choice. At that time, the universities exploded. The numbers of students increased. There was a room, a space for intellectual development. Menger came to Prague just at the time when the major university reform was underway in Austria, in Austria-Hungarian empire.
He was much freer in what could he choose, which professors he could listen to. So then you could choose the professor you would listen and compare, go from class to class. If we talk about how economics is being taught, This is very interesting because there is not such a thing as we study economics. In Austria you study the law and then you study Staatswissenschaften, the science of how the state is run. We actually helped to create a very good framework for the study of social sciences because law was always connected to economics. As a lawyer you learn to use logic, precise terminology, scientific foundation, and you apply that to the political economy too.
Otherwise it's really hard to put in economics in a field of subjects, and you can only go wrong. In these law studies there is a reform. Legal evolution tradition was introduced. And that is kind of a liberal view of law, which dissolves. Zasąduje prawo z rządu i wskazuje w spontaniczny order prawa. Pracuje bardzo, ale też partia. To jest to, co wiemy. Lubi pić piwko tu i tam. Studenci byli mężczyzną. almost everyone was a member of one or the other fraternity. The city was parted, so there was one German parade, German street, called Am Gruben, and there was the Czech street, which is Narodní, which is just ahead of us. Menger is a part of this German society.
Karmanner very much saw himself as part of the Germans. He was not anti-Czech in any way. He had quite an attachment to the German cultural world, which was of course a connection back then to Western Europe as well. Fraternities were very different, and there were some fraternities who did this fencing. And they would have some sort of armour, but their cheeks would be free. And when they were fencing, one fencer might get another. On his cheek and he might have a scar on his cheek. Much more tough than today. Jeszcze na długo zanim stał się znamienitym Austriakiem rozpoczął przelewanie swoich myśli na papier.
Już w pierwszych notatkach skupia się na języku, ludzkiej percepcji czy słabnącej roli małżeństwa, by za chwilę skoncentrować się na kwestiach gospodarczych, plusach i minusach wolnego handlu czy instytucji pieniądza. Jest też esej o niemożności praktycznego zadziałania komunizmu, co w XXI wieku może nie wydawać się na zbyt oryginalne. Ale nie zapominajmy, że jest rok 1861, a Karl Menger ma 21 lat. To jednak nie krytyka komunizmu, a krytyka jakości edukacji sprowadziła na Karla poważne problemy. In 1862, Menger is a young journalist at the Prague Journal called Tagesbote aus Bühmen and he protests against the changes at the university. Liberal professors are away in Vienna, sitting in the parliament, doing reforms, which Menger appreciates, but they are not there at the university where Menger needs them at the time.
He protested, he wanted to keep the liberal atmosphere of the university. He was witnessing when he was entering the university in Prague. The dean was outraged and he forbade Menger some freedoms, some academic freedoms. What are you doing? You are just my student and you are surpassing, trespassing my orders. We have press freedoms. we have academic freedoms. I can say what I consider is right. This shows a very important trait of Karl Menger in early years. He was very self-determined. I'm standing for these academic freedoms and for these press freedoms. He didn't shy away from conflict. And I know you are a professor. I respect you and your position.
But this is my opinion and I'm standing for it. He could fight for his opinion. And he did that. And the professor didn't let Menger pass several courses. which is part of the academic freedoms taken out from him. He was actually kicked out of the university because the dean did not share his views. After such a dispute, Menger is just clearly dissatisfied. He has nothing to the left in what he loved before in Prague. He understood very clearly that he would have no academic future in Prague, even if he wanted to. Rozgoryczony tym, jak potoczyła się jego naukowa kariera, Karl szuka dla siebie nowego miejsca. Przez rok zajmuje pozycję mądrzego redaktora we lwowskiej gazecie Lennberg Zeitung.
Potrzebował po prostu dalszego kroku, a dalszym krokiem jest dziennikarzstwo. In Lemberg, he acted as a journalist. He followed for the local gazette the news about the economy, the stocks, exchange things, and the different information. Oprócz notowań giełd, we lwowskiej gazecie znalazł się także inny ślad Karla. I więcej niż o sytuacji gospodarczej, mówi on o nastroju, w którym Karol się znajdował. Jest opis Maniovy i jego środowisko w newspapierze Lemberga. Widzisz, że ten, kto to napisał, i to chyba Menger, kocha ten obiekt. i jak tam ludzie pływają w zimie, przez wypłucenie wody w okolicach rzeki. W przyszłości zapewne zostawiło też ślad w Carlomengerze. Miał z tym związek, z tym krajem. Z jednej rzeczy, którą nosi od dziecka, postanawia jednak zrezygnować.
Tytuł szlachecki von Volfelsgrum, którego pochodzenia nie potrafił ustalić i który nie pasował do liberalnej postawy Karla. W każdym razie nie tak bardzo jak broda, którą zapuszcza w tym momencie. Była to broda, która ponoć przykryć miała skaleczenia. z czasów praskich pojedynków szermierki. Po roku Lemberg-Zeitung zostaje zamknięty, a Karl dostaje propozycję objęcia podobnego stanowiska w liberalnie zorientowanym, rządowym, wiedeńskim Botschafter. Kiedy przyjechał do Wienii, pracował w pewnym momencie w kabinie, szczególnie sprawdzając wiadomości i raporty, przygotowując dokumenty dla rządu. Economic journalists usually make market reports, like the price of wheat in Prague, in Vienna, in Graz. That means that you have to be in touch with the reality of what the people are actually living. How they make transactions in their lives about material things.
They also were sent to the world fairs, where the whole world would witness technological innovations from all corners of the world. In total there were about six newspapers he wrote for. Some newspapers that are close to the government line, which at the part was the more liberal line, and some very popular, even tabloid style. He seems to have been pragmatic about where to write. Raporty giełdowe, ale też krótkie satyryczne opowiadania, poważne gazety rządowe i tabloidy. Karl potrafi przemawiać do zróżnicowanego odbiorcy. I wtedy pojawia się pomysł połączenia żywiołów pod jednym tytułem. Kosztująca jednego krajcara, czyli dokładnie tyle ile wynosi podatek od wydania egzemplarza gazety, utrzymująca się wyłącznie z reklam gazeta, ma treści, o których Menger pisał w poważnych gazetach, objaśniać klientom tych mniej poważnych.
Ażornalistka, ale nie dla dziennika, ale dla życia prawdziwego ludzi. Mężczyzna na ulicy musi to przeczytać, musi wiedzieć, dlaczego cena chleba jest taka wysoka czy taka niska, czy jak działają markety. To, co widział w Maniowych, to, co widział w tych galicyjskich miastach, wywarło na nim taki wpływ, takie przekonanie, że edukacja jest najszybszą drogą do rozwoju. Wiener Pack Blat, promocja. pl Zajmuje reformę więziennictwa i otwarcie targów taniej żywności dla niezamożnych obywateli. Lubuje za powstaniem ruchu wsparcia bezrobotnych, czy dostępnymi dla wszystkich bibliotekami. On zawsze chciał ustalić, że ludzie są lepsi, mogą się uczyć, mogą się rozwijać i się wzmocnić. Że tych, którzy są gorsi lub mniej dobrze, powinny być otwarci. mimo iż był synem urzędnika, to nie opływał tutaj w luksusach. Te miasta jak Nowy Sącz to były miasta, gdzie można było odczuć tą galicyjską biedę.
Szczególnie tutaj jak popatrzymy przez okno, widzimy dzielnicę piekło, dzielnicę gdzie po prostu na wprost tych okien była najbiedniejsza część Nowego Sącza. Menger był w pewien sposób nawet częścią tej biedy galicyjskiej. Chcąc nie chcąc patrzył na nią, chcąc nie chcąc ją widział. Ta relacja była żywa. Czytelnicy wysoko cenili sobie Gazetę Mengera. Jednak samego Mengera najwyżej cenili wydawcy rządowego Winer Zeitung. W najtrudniejszym momencie zaproponowali Mengerowi odkupienie tytułu oraz powierzenie Carlowi sekcji ekonomicznej dziennika. Kiedy on robił to pracę, i kiedy się zaskoczył, co uczył w Krakowie, w Pragie, na Uniwersytecie o ekonomii, i co się właściwie zrobiło. Every day in the normal business activities, there was such a gap that there was some problem, either with the theory or with the reality.
Now, the reality is what it is. Therefore, there is a problem with the theory somewhere. So what is in need to be provided is a new theory. I tak po kilku latach w młodym Karlu odzywa się pragnienie powrotu do stricte naukowego potraktowania spraw, którymi powierzchownie zajmuje się w popularnych gazetach. Rezygnuje z obu prasowych posad i decyduje się dać sobie kilka miesięcy na podjęcie decyzji. On skończył swój kurs, ale nie ma tytułu, który by otworzył mu wiele drzwi do wielu karier. Wynajmuje mieszkanie wraz z młodszym bratem Antonem, który właśnie skończył prawnicze studia w Krakowie. Krakow which is close to his birthplace. Julian Dunajewski, economics professor, he becomes the rector of the university. Dunajewski is at three of Menger's four state exams.
Menger is just an outstanding student again here, passing all exams with A's and B's. And he then finishes his university finally in March 1867 in Krakow. which is two years before the university was fully polonized. On September 67, he wrote in his diary, Werfe mich auf die nationalökonomische Studien, what means I start to study political economy. From the moment that he takes that clearly in his mind, he gets into very serious study of political economy as such, and is preparing for his project. where the Grundsätze is only the introductory. Trudno powiedzieć, czy przez kolejne cztery lata Karl częściej zmieniał pracę, czy wizję swojej pierwszej książki.
Zaczynając od traktatu filozoficznego, przez polemiki z innymi autorami, wielostronicowe notatki o reformach prawa, czy pochodzeniu, znaczenia ekonomicznych pojęć, aż do wizji książki, która opowiadałaby o ekonomicznej teorii. Z wersji, w której książka miała dotyczyć wyłącznie gospodarki Austrii, przeszedł do wizji uniwersalnej, niezależnej od czasu i wymiaru. Kolejną ideą wzmacniającą uniwersalność miało być oczyszczenie treści z jakichkolwiek wartościowań i prywatnych poglądów. Zacznijmy od zrozumienia, zanim się dotkniesz. Spróbuj się wyjaśnić, czy jest sposób, by zrozumieć działanie ludzkie bez już zaangażowania, że każdy inny jest głupi lub nieprawidłowy, a wiesz lepiej. brytyjska ekonomia klasyczna i niemieckie podejście historyczne. Poprawić klasyków w temacie teorii wartości i zwrócić uwagę niemieckim kolegom, że pewne zasady są uniwersalne i występują nie tylko w świecie niemieckim.
but everywhere it sounds like something quite simple, doesn't it? I believe it was not Menger's decision to write a revolutionary book. He just felt he has a contribution to contemporary debate about political economy. He wanted to talk to German colleagues. He wants to show the historical school. Come on, it's not just German economics. Of course, there are different historical movements and processes, but look at the patterns. Look at the processes themselves and see what's more universal and what's more peculiar. And then you'll have a better understanding, even maybe of the German culture and identity. One of the main topics in economy at that time was the theory of value.
So Karl Menger's theory of value appended the labor theory of value, which states that the value of a good. . . comes from the amount of labor which is used to produce it. The idea is kind of intuitive, right? So you have to put some effort into something, into a resource, in order to make something out of it. It takes time and all that, so it's not totally wrong. It's of course an aspect of how value comes about. So it's not only the labor that is important to look at, the price of labor, but you also have to look at the value that a good. . . presents, represents for an individual, for the client, for the customer, for the consumer.
I can spend one year producing a chair because I'm not a learned carpenter. That doesn't mean it's worth a one year wage. In the end, who will determine what this chair is worth are other people and their subjective valuation of this chair. So he adds something to what Adam Smith has written. Menger realized that Adam Smith is able to explain why people trade, but is not able to explain why people stopped to trade. And it was not cost of production that determined value, it was the future use of the good.
Þetta búið að vera það þúrst að því að það þarf að verða á þessu þróið og þá þarf það að verða á þessu þróið þar að þúrst að verða á þessu þróið Why is a diamond worth much more than water? Although a diamond is more or less useless, and water is essential for survival, you cannot say that diamonds in general are worth a lot, and water in general is worth little. It all depends on the context. If we're in a very developed civilization, we've solved our water problems a long time ago, it's cheaper.
But if we're in the desert, we would probably give that diamond, which is back home maybe worth a thousand times more than a glass of water, we'll trade it in for a glass of water. Not necessarily the person might prefer to die than give away the ring, but just give it away. to make a picture. So there's no objective value. How can it be? Also if you go into a market, like a traditional market where you can still haggle, like a supermarket where all the prices are fixed, you would also realize that value changes, changes based on the customer. And that would seem unfitting to a more static labor theory of value. People make the value, not an objective measurement.
He places man at the center of the universe instead of production. It's subjective value that determines the outcome. Þegar við þá ákveðum þessu þargar, þannig að náttúrulega þáttu þessu þargar af ábyrgum, þáttu þáttu þáttu ákveðum ábyrgum, og þetta var þetta. Ég harði ekki því hvaðað Menga áherslu. Ég hluti að það var það aðrað þingar, að það var einn af Where he got the idea, there's one perspective that he saw price formation live in the Börse, in the stock exchange. He didn't see one fixed price which was not changeable for goods, but actually prices which were changing the whole time. So this story, it's not completely untrue. But it's anecdotal evidence. No, I don't think it's the stock exchange that really inspired his book.
He was covering the stock exchange, but as part of general necessity in covering real facts as a journalist that wants to be read. This is one of the questions I always had. How did Menger come to that idea? This could be one way. As a lawyer, he had learned that in Roman law there was the so-called estimatio affeccionis, which means the value of sentiment. This is a concept in the Roman law which was thought at that time in the first two semesters. To give you an example, the wedding rings have a high value to someone who is married with that rings and goes far beyond the market value. If you elaborate that idea, you may come.
to this objective theory of value. Bardziej niż giełdowym maklerom czy posiadaczom diamentowych naszyjników, Karol przygląda się ludziom z drugiego końca społecznej tabli. Jaką użyteczność ma każde dodatkowe narzędzie dla biednego szefca? Jaką różnicę stanowi dla gazeciarza zarobek jednego krajcara więcej? Z zaspokojenia jakich potrzeb zrezygnuje rolnik po stracie worka ziarna? Jak bliskie potrzeby zaspokoisz ty, mając tylko jeden litr piłki wody? A jak podległe? posiadając jej nieograniczoną ilość. Karl znał te problemy nie z pracy w gazecie, nie z pism szkockich klasyków, ale z własnego życia. Wartość jaką przywiązujesz do jedynego litra pitnej wody jest inna niż ta, którą przywiązujesz do piątego czy piętnastego. Cena narzędzia, któremu znaleziono nowe zastosowanie, wzrośnie. Spadek popularności danego dobra spowoduje spadek ceny maszyn służących do jego wytworzenia. Oto skrócona do minimum rewolucja marginalistyczna.
One thinks, yeah, of course. So it's simple. Why is this so revolutionary? It's revolutionary in perspective of the whole history of economic thought. And this has consequences on how you approach the management of scarce goods. Þeirrúðum þessu að það þarf að verða aðgjóða frá hlutu af þessu áttu til þessu áttu á fjöldinu, að það er aðgjóða frá aðgjóða frá aðgjóða frá aðgjóða frá aðgjóða frá a totally new at that time. My consideration is that he wrote about the topos of time and error. And time at that time didn't play a role in political economy. It played a role, but it did not play a role in the theory of economy. Also the notion that people can make mistakes.
Mengele is not writing about the so-called homo economicus, who is always thinking about profit. He's writing about the person who wants security. And he said, asking, what is the best institutional setup which help us to achieve security and satisfaction of our needs? And if you count the term need, how often he uses that term, it's almost 300 times. And it's really looking, I think, for human universals. That's why his library was mainly based on ethnology. It is a great library. A book about human beings. Menger, it can be an eye-opener, in particular if you compare it to the other works of the time, which are mostly unreadable nowadays. It's well-written, it's concise, it's realist, it's not some wishful thinking.
It does not have any Nazi or proto-Nazi or socialist, ideological extremes in it, which a lot of the works of the time are just that. The book is one of the first textbook. in a political economy which are totally secularized. There is no moral axiom, there is no religion, there is no God, there is nothing transcendent where economy derives from. It's the human being. And this is one of the reasons why, in my consideration, why this book became so successful afterwards. It was a seed, an early seed, for a secularized area. And the people in the 80s understood the book much more. And for them, in the 80s or 90s, it was natural. There was no question about that.
Menger þátti hann þegar hann þótti grúndsættsegðinu, hansk áherslu ekonomi, að hann, og þátti hann, hann hætti fyrir ekonomiðað. Þannig að hann var náttúruð þegar fólk ekki þátti hans áherslu og þátti hans. Mengerinu þátti er ekki þátti verið náttúru. I think he was surprised and maybe upset by the reception of his books by the German Historical School. He was attacked right away by the German historicists. He was not understood. It got several reviews. Some were positive, some mixed. And one by a person underlined GS, which is GS. Gustav von Schmoller, the head of the younger German historical school, and that is a very critical one. He was a contender to the general economic narrative, and that obviously causes controversy.
Kontrowersje wzbudził też ostatni rozdział książki, który Karl przedstawił na uniwersytecie, jeszcze przed jej premierą, jako swoją dysertację habilitacyjną. Rozdział o pochodzeniu i funkcji pieniądza miał nie spodobać się Lorenzowi von Steinowi, czołowej postaci na Wydziale Prawa. Kiedy Menger napisał Grunsetze, bardzo szybko zakończył pozycję biurokratyczną i politykę, ponieważ chciał być profesorem, a inni go powiedzieli, że nie. że chcesz być profesorem, to będziesz miał mnóstwo pieniędzy. Potem otrzymał tę pozycję jako docentka, a bardzo szybko stał się profesorem. Austria miała błędne wybuchy ekonomistów w uniwersytetach. Było bardzo trudno odwiedzić ludzi z Niemiec, ponieważ większość z nich nie była juristą, nie była wierzącą. Zapotrzebowanie na ekonomistów? sprawniczym wykształceniem sprawia, że decyzja Karla o wyborze kariery naukowej okazuje się trafna.
Jednocześnie będący kumulacją wielu błędnych decyzji upadek wystawy światowej oraz krach giełdy, przyczyniają się do wzrostu popularności książki Mengera. were founded without any assets. A lot of people became rich quickly and other people also wanted to get rich quickly, but with other means. It was a time when credit flowed quite openly, nowhere comparable to nowadays, but compared to the past, already quite an expansion. In this business cycle, an exhibition started here in Vienna. The exposition was probably too big of a project, but it was quite a day. They set their goals too high. They just expected more activity than there really was. The weather was not fine. People felt that something is going on.
The hotels which were prepared for the World Fair and expected a lot of visitors, it didn't work. And the whole thing burned down. And some weeks later, the crash came down over here. There's a boom and bust cycle. You know, we get a lot of money injection, we get a lot of investment coming into Vienna, which led to the boom and then later, of course, to the bust when there is too much money wrongly allocated. The Gründerkrach, it's called the founders' crisis or crash, had a huge impact on the development of the society in Vienna. The New York Stock Exchange was closed for two weeks just because of the crash in Vienna. Więcej niż 150 osób zginęło w samolocie, gdzie każdy zna każdy. 150 zginęło.
Więc nawet profesorów w ekonomii, tak, zginęli. Przetestowana w czasach kryzysu trafność spostrzeżeń zawartych w zasadach ekonomii oraz rosnąca popularność w roli wykładowcy sprawiają, że o Karlu dowiadują się doradcy samego cesarza, który właśnie rozgląda się za nauczycielem politycznej ekonomii dla swojego syna. następcy tronu, księcia Rudolfa. Given the idea that it was the Crown Prince and that he would be heading the Empire, that was an important responsibility, at least morally. And I think Carmenger also knew that this was no opportunity to spread his personal views and his political preferences. It was five days a week, two hours in the morning, and then eventually an hour or two in the afternoon.
Menge started with the topic, introduced the crown prince to the topic for the first half hour, and then the next one and a half hours, the two of them were elaborating on the topic and were discussing it. He of course uses the principles because he has them in his mind, but they would discuss all kinds of literature and books. It was a German scientist called Streisler. He recovered these notes of Rudolf Prinz about the lectures of Menger. I read these lectures and it was practically he followed the Wealth of Nations. how to become the ruler of such a huge monarchy, how to understand the economic and societal problems.
They were also discussing the importance of a sound currency, because back then the empire was borrowing a lot of money from the Austrian National Bank. And Menger was concerned of the devaluation. And he was discussing that with the crown prince as well. A więc ekonomia jest w jej najlepszym stanie. Nauka nie odbywa się tylko we wnętrzach pałacu. Obaj, Karl i Rudolf, uwielbiają wędkować, co świetnie nadaje się do prowadzenia dyskusji o podaży ryb czy stymulacji popytu za pomocą zanęty. Spędził dużo czasu z Krampusem Rudolfem. Podróżował z nim bardzo dużo. Mieli prawie przyjaźńską relację. Był bardziej osobny, niż można by się spodziewało. The Crown Prince was travelling like a civil person, being not discovered as the Crown Prince.
They would travel like two friends together and go to pubs together abroad. And it certainly conferred a sense of liberty to the Crown Prince. Poprzez kolejne trzy lata Rudolf i Karl odwiedzają Francję, Włochy, Berlin, ale też kluczową w temacie XIX-wiecznej innowacyjności Wielką Brytanię. I pokazuje mu wyniki. Pokazuje, że Wielka Brytania, zacząjąc od Smythii, a potem z ekonomii Ricardii, wchodzi w pierwszy światowy siłę, i jak to się zindustrializuje, itd. Zobacz, że Król Wielki jest przekonany, that it is not enough to have a parade of riches and balls, Strauss, family, music, and parades of an army that basically had been defeated. If you want a modern country, you have to go the way that economics brings to modernity. O wizycie Rudolfa w 1880 roku wspominają także archiwiści gimnazjum św. Anny w Krakowie.
delivered his lectures to Crown Prince Rudolf, he became, let's say, liberal. And he represented the liberal movement in the Austrian Empire. So what interesting part of Karl Maynard's relationship with Crown Prince Rudolf were pamphlets, especially one famous pamphlet which he helped Crown Prince Rudolf write? It was published through the connections of Menge, so it was pretty sure for everyone who knew him that he must be involved. The pamphlet. . . But even though it was published anonymously, it is the result of the travel to the western parts of Europe and seeing how modernization is needed for a country to develop. I was critical of the general state of the European Union. leadership of the empire, of their aristocracy.
He claimed that the aristocracy in Austria was conservative, not meritocratic. Claiming that they have no elite position anymore, because if they're not useful in a modernized society, then it's just our thing of the past and should step aside. He was not really trying to say that you should abolish aristocracy or monarchy. He was saying that the aristocracy. should live up to its ideas. Or take an active responsibility in still maintaining that kind of leadership function, but in a different society, which is not a full order, but an open, more commercial society. And that as long as the court and the nobles in the old imperial style would dominate, then this empire wouldn't be modernizing, could not be. Prepare.
the empire for what was coming. At that time, the efforts of the aristocracy to prevent from liberalization were quite clear. The pamphlet is very explicit on that, and it's been quite attacked by the court for that reason. I think it was a wake-up call to his peers. But like many wake-up calls in an environment where the people feel quite comfortable, they don't hear it. Karl wciąż odczuwa niedosyt związany z negatywnym przyjęciem przez niemieckich kolegów jego zasad ekonomii. Zmienia plany i zamiast napisania planowanej kontynuacji, postanawia w osobnej książce odejść od zagadnień czysto ekonomicznych i skupić się na tym, gdzie zaczynamy, gdy budujemy teorie i skąd wyrastają instytucje, które w nich opisujemy.
So after teaching Rudolf, Menger comes back to his methodology project and finishes the book called Investigations in 1883. He was still on that line to improve the economics. And okay, if my first attempt is not sufficient, I have to do something more. And that book sparks the conflict between him and a schmoller called Methodenstreit. What he feels is that the German economists are not real economists, that they are historians, that they underestimate the significance and importance of economic analysis. The historic school tells us only history can tell us how the future will look like. Information, details, names, quantities of history. They were just accumulating facts. They were not so interested in. . .
Before we look at all the data, what can we know? It was not the problem that it was historical, it was looking for history. It was selectively looking at history to make a political and then geopolitical point. The people there were educated to be practitioners, not scientists. So it's not really out for truth. It's for making truth by using political power and legitimizing political power. Germans stressed the. . . central role of the state. Mengerið var með spontansk áttuð. Þú áttuði ekki að áttaða áttuðið á ástjóðsfjóðum. Þessi áttuðið er náttúruð til ástjóðsfjóðskóla, en þú áttuði að hafa með mjög mjög. Mengerið er áttuðið áttuðið ástjóðsfjóðum. Þú áttuðið ástjóðsfjóðum. Karl Pohpa harði áttuði þetta mjög veitlega.
Það er bakkertsóknu og það er sértslættsóknu. Bakkertsóknu er að þú harðir bakkert og þú hægtir færtir bakkert. Þetta er það sem því að því Það er því að því Það er því að því að því.
og það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að það fannst þátt að þa Again, the reaction came from Schmöller, which was a dismissive one. And then it went wild, because Menger as a stiff person, he wouldn't let Schmöller have the discussion, not that easily for sure.
Schmöller is not very friendly in the way he responds to Menger. If someone is criticizing it, he's not German enough to understand your objective, so it's all wrong. Menger takes it very personally, it's very emotional. So many people joined in that it was like a plethora of reactions from German sides and from Austrian sides. And the war was declared, but maybe it was like a surprise. He didn't want it to make such a contrast with the historical school. The German historical school, feeling that, was bitterly attacking him. And he had to answer. Therefore he writes an attack on them, or a critique of them. The German historical school, feeling that, was bitterly attacking him.
það þarf bara að gera hans með einn af þessu, í hættirlæðinni fjöldinu, þar sem Ástría. To really characterize Method and Stride in one sentence, it would be about the nature of institutions, whether they are really top-down institutions or whether they arise from spontaneous orders. When and how could they emerge if they were not already there? It means that institutions, money or laws, rules, can develop spontaneously. They emerge out of human behavior. They're not something cosmological, metaphysical. It's a bottom-up process because it emerges of action of real human beings. And the best example he gives is language.
The German language at the time, it cannot be something ideal from heavens because you see the history, you can go back, you see how it emerged, how it has loan words from other languages. There's no first German speaker. How do you go from no language to language? How do you go from no money to money? Then once you have some kind of money, it's easier to understand how you change for another kind because it's more upside-faced. It's more saleable, marketable, and easier to use. But from the start, how do you get the idea of money? Well, he explains about barter, right, that you would change one thing, but then indirect would be more efficient. Spontaneous development of money at some points meets the fact that the state.
comes in, standardizes, and with simplification, standardization, comes more trust. The illusion that the authority of the state is the reason why this happens is an illusion. And as such, it is detrimental. Money has not been generated by law. In its origin it is a social and not a state institution. Sanction by the authority of the state is a notion alien to it. They look at the coin and say, ah, there's an emperor on it, so it's got to be related to the emperor. Or there's a number on it, so it's got to be the number. Carl Mings says, no, I've got to understand the function.
I've got to understand why are people using that, and what did they use before? And what did they use before that? And how could that have emerged? On this point, the German historical economist did not follow him. because he wanted to identify universal law which does not exist to German historicists. The representative of the historical school in Germany didn't even understand what Menger was talking about. It was too theoretical, too far away. Economics was either Austrian or is Jewish. It's just not German because German economics is just what German geopolitical need is. Dla Niemców Karl po raz drugi popełnia ten sam błąd.
Tak jak w zasadach nie uwzględniał sił nadprzyrodzonych, tak i dziś dostarcza tekst, w którym nie bierze pod uwagę dłuche czasu przewodniej roli narodu niemieckiego i nie stawia potrzeb kolektywu ponad potrzebami jednostki. I wciąż to podkreślanie uniwersalności zasad i wciąż ten nacisk na indywidualizm. We always talk about the economy and the nation, and these are legitimate terms, but they're of course abstractions. In order to be precise and realistic, you first need to start with the basics again, and that's the individual. Menger says, as long as you are using collective begriff, collective concepts, you cannot provide an accurate account of what happens effectively in the economy.
So you have to start with the individual, dealing with his own needs, given the availability of resources, and what he or she can exchange. If he or she has already everything they need, there is no need to exchange. But if it is not the case, then they exchange. To whom will they exchange? To somebody else. So there is no Robinson Crusoe alone on his island and suddenly discovering Friday and then et cetera. No. There are many individuals. Each of them thinks for oneself, given the environment, the Aossenwelt that is around. Immediately, this individual is related to the others. Why does he start with the individual alone? Because you have to start with some point to make the analysis.
If I get in touch with someone else, it's because what I have only by myself is not enough. And each of us is doing exactly that. We are entering into interaction. We are making associations. We are building a society. But to analyze that, you have to start from what each of us is doing, because that's the only way to understand why we are doing it. Do you know the intentionality of some monetary aggregates? Do you know the intentions of a country, nation, as a whole, like that? When you're talking like that, you're making a metaphor. The only understanding that can be clear of why you are entering a transaction is to understand and reconstruct logically the reasoning of the market.
human being that is entering into that transaction. You are doing the only analysis that can bring you to understand the intention of the active agent. There are Wirtschaft und Menschen. Ef einn veginn sjá á þessum árið tíma hvað var með metodenstræðin, með betonmethodin, þá er þetta með hljóðsfæðin. Þetta er því að næstum skóla er mjög yfri. Við erum að hægt að spyrja oss, eða hvað er það við erum að spyrja, eða hvað er það við erum að spyrja, við erum að hægt að spyrja oss, hvað er það með mjög áherslu áherslu? að þvíkast þeirra þeirra þáttu er að bæða á Karl Menger og Karl Popper. Það er mjög faginnar, þúg, stímulægur en það er bara að þjókka þessum faginnar.
Métodenstræði er í fyrirlega aðgjóðsfæðið. Þetta er hvaðan Sjóngpetar þessu aðgjóði. He says it's a waste of time that Karl Menger spent so long in the dispute with Schmöller and with the historic school. He should have used his time in a better way. A large waste of time and energy. He was wrong. The fact that the ideas that Menger was promoting have become obvious, natural, almost self-evident, To było momentem, który pozwolił, z bólem, stworzyć te pomysły jako dominujące władze. Tak więc, tak, Methodenstreit był niezbędnym odcinkiem w historii rozwoju ekonomii. Nie był to wstępem czasu i energii. To, co proponuje w swoich książkach, nie jest pomostem między szkołą niemiecką a klasykami. To zupełnie nowe spojrzenie na człowieka w gospodarce.
To przede wszystkim postawienie go w samym centrum i próba spojrzenia jego oczami. Oczywiście pomaga w tworzeniu sposobu myślenia i argumentacji Mengera, a także w znaniu, że Niemcy go nie lubią. Karl Menger might have been a fringe person in Germany, but he was not at all in Austria. So he's very much a very respected economics professor, if not the most. Menger in his time was well known, and he was a corresponding member of the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, Moral and Political Sciences Academy in France, which is one part of the major French academy. He succeeded Rocher and was chosen instead of Schmoller. and he has lots of students in all areas of society.
I mean, who else has among his students like three ministers and diplomats, excellencies? The highest ranks of the Austrian Hungarian monarchy are filled up with students of Karl Menger. Böhm von Bawerk was Minister of Finance. Victor Matea was Minister of Social Work. Social Minister. Richard Schiller was immensely important for European history and Austrian history in particular. It could be that there would not be Austria today without Richard Schiller. And Felix Somari was crucially important for banking because he started the private banking industry in Switzerland at a time when no one thought Switzerland would be of any importance, just a poor European country.
Emil Sachs was the first of the series of Menger's friends and students who got the position in Prague and they took actually a very firm grip of economics in Prague for six decades until the Second World War. And after all, Wilhelm Barber was three times Minister of Finance. Pretty successful. Þessi ekonomistir í Íslandi þáttið mjög mjög svoðsæðinu. Og þetta var einn projekt af einn smá lífstæðin að þvíkast ákveða umfæðinu. to get it modernized in a better way against the German solution, like the big German solution of creating a German Reich. People started differentiating between the Germans and the Austrians. You had the German historical school of economics and you had the Austrian school of economics.
It never was a school in the narrow sense. It was quite a loose group. If you look at the biographies and the intellectual profiles of the people allotted to the Austrians. School of Economics. They are quite different. Well, there is something that must be mentioned then. In a letter to the Kultus Ministerium, Menger is making clear that he is conscientiously founding a school. He says that he has already disciples, pupils, and that it is his own intention to develop that as a counterpart to the school. to the German historical school.
In a relationship with my seminar of political economy and finance, Seminar für Nationale Ökonomie und Finanzwissenschaft, which I have been holding for about two decades now, my lecturers have met with quite some success beyond the usual audience that a lecturer would find. And this holds, especially about concerning the Begründung der österreichischen Schule der nationalen Ökonomie, the foundation of the Austrian school of political economy. So the word Austrian school is in itself present self-consciously in Menger's writings. Einu af kritikum á Þessarskóla er að það er bara klasslegitimíðing. Þeir er allar kapítalistir, þegar þeir er fyrir klassa. Þegar þú kritísist Karl Menge, þá er hans upperklassið Þessarskóla, þá er hans á hægt af kapítalismi.
Þannig að þú kritísistar Anton Menge og svo, og svo, það er upperklassið Þessarskóla, þá er hans socialist. Það er mjög hlutinnið að Karl Menge hætti tvö bróður. Einn bróður var líberál, en þein öll var lífstæðinar. Og er einn eftir þessu, hvað er þetta? Kanski er klása ekkert aðraðslega, og kanski er ræs ekkert aðraðslega, þar sem þein öllsæðinar aðraðslega. Þeir mætti á Landmannskafi og þvíkst á Þessari hægðar. Það þurfði að vera áherslu að hægja hans á hans konversáðu.
Anton var í verið að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja að hægja a But for putting a cause before the scientific concerns, Karl would reproach his brother, who is becoming some kind of advocate. Well, for a lawyer, after all, it's quite natural. But Menger thought of his field, economics, as a science as such.
Menger thought that value neutrality is important for economics, which means you want to understand even if you don't like the outcome and you try to dissociate from your own ideology. You don't give value judgments, you help understand what's going on, as it is, not as it should be. Menger would say, no, I have no judgment on free trade or projected trade. I want to understand trade. In this regard, the relationship with Marx was much better, because Marx didn't play on the word science on the one hand and the activity of advocate on the other. He was an advocate. He had many relationships with the entrepreneurs. He had also at some point started doing some entrepreneurship.
But when he became a representative at the National House, then he would definitely make bridges between that political world and the world of entrepreneurs and assume that fully he would accept and play that role without saying anything about science. The clarity of the position was fine with Menger Karl. The three brothers, each in their own way, wanted the empire to modernize. You cannot go on in that direction. Wszystkie struktury, które mają być przywiązane do rządu, muszą być zainwestowane w gospodarcze, w przedsiębiorstwie, po to, żeby się z tym poradzić. Jeśli tego nie zrobisz, to znikniesz. Ale Mäger nie zamierza znikać. Przeciwnie. okłada ogromne nadzieje w swoich studentach, zarówno tych uniwersyteckich, jak i w Rudolfie. Nie przestaje uczyć, publikować, a także, gdy trzeba, współpracować z rządowymi komisjami.
Jest ogromna obrazka na Akademii Nauk, gdzie widzimy Kalmenga razem z Böhm-Bavack, który był w tamtych czasach ministerem finansowym, i impera w komisji, w komisji z białymi, how to get from the gulden, from the silver currency, to the gold currency. Po 20 latach wraca do tego samego rządowego budynku. Jednak już nie po to, by zbierać w tabelach rynkowe dane, lecz by przewodzić komisji, która ma ten rynek uratować. Wielki punkt tych lat, 1890 i następnych latach, to pierwsza wielka recesja, zwłaszcza w Austrii. To moment, kiedy kredytanstalt, większa instytucja w Wienie, Karl Menger is part of this study group, you could call it, trying to figure out what's going wrong and how to go when more and more countries are switching to gold standards. Menger always argued, be careful, not destroy the trust in money.
And this is what we see these days. If you destroy the trust in a currency, then you're in deep problems. Mérnum er fyrir hverjum hreitin. Þegar þú hljóður mérnum, þá er hverju hreitin hljóðið og það harðar hljóðsfæðir. Mérnum er sjálfsagur og hljóðsfæðir. En er það fyrir að þú hljóðst fyrir mérnum, þá verður hraðuð að hljóða. Og hraðuð að hraðuð hljóðu að hljóða, þá er við með hljóðsfæðin. This is a marginal revolution applied to money. This is marginal revolution applied to money. So what he proposes is quite pragmatic. Have a settlement layer in gold coin. Try to let the market find out exchange rates. Don't intervene too much. Ta reforma monetarna jest absolutnie potrzebna dla kraju.
Oczywiście profesor Aschmenger był w tym związany. Ale to był dla niego odcinek, zróbmy tę reformę, ale nie jestem zainteresowany wielkimi politykami, na dużą skalę. Gdzieś pod koniec trzyletniego okresu poświęconego przewodniczeniu Komisji Walutowej ukazuje się sporych rozmiarów esej Mengera na temat pieniądza. Ale Karl ma już apetyt na nowy temat. Po zasadach i metodologii w głowie Karla rodzi się pomysł na pracę o socjologii. Tym razem nie po to, by cokolwiek tłumaczyć niemieckim kolegom. Po prostu, z potrzeby serca. Jednocześnie Karl przygotowuje materiały do kolejnych tomów zasad ekonomii i po raz kolejny odkłada publikację reedycji tomu pierwszego. Blokuje też możliwości przetłumaczenia pierwszej edycji na obce języki. Obiecuję. Z perspektywy polityczno-liberalnej była to okres decyzji.
Właśnie w tym okresie, kiedy władze władz You'd think that the wealthiest urban parts would be the most liberal ones, and it turned out the other way around. It was in the urban centers with the most economic development where nationalism flared up, where the youth became radicalized. The best educated, wealthiest people of the empire becoming radicalized, militaristic, chauvinists. It was all against what the liberals would have expected. And the more the voting rights became popularized, the less the liberals played a great role in politics. It is believed that Menger passed on Rudolf the kind of skepticism about the future. And it would be this skepticism of the Liberal Party. Menger also warned Rudolf not to be too pessimistic.
libertarian and not to be anti-this conservative forces that are still operating. Karl Menger gave a Crown Prince Rudolf a more realistic perspective. He saw where Austria, but also Europe, was going towards. Mises writes in his memories that he thinks it must have been the influence of Karl Menger. I don't think so, because Kramer had issues. We just know through the little correspondence we have, information about his life, that actually his personal views were unorthodox for the time. They were a little bit radical, yes. Unfortunately, Rudolf has committed suicide and Menger left without a future to be. Rudolf did not get the chance to improve the processes in the Austrian Empire because aristocracy and also the Kaiser Franz Josef was anti-liberal.
The monarchy was very monolithic and very stable, and it was not so easy for one person to change that. The death of Crown Prince Rudolf had a bigger impact on Karl Menger than Karl Menger's premonitions had on the Crown Prince. He had lost a promoter, a friend, a protector, and a very important part of his network. As a tutor, if you get the confidence, you'll be put in a very high position once the crown prince becomes the emperor. How many world leaders are actually trained in political economy? So now imagine how special that could be to have a well-educated emperor who would influence. . .
most of Europe and sort of contributed to a free social order which would be economically sound and based on some sort of private property underpinning. The best approach would have been, and that's possible, that Menge would have pushed for a loose confederation of a kind of free trade zone. in place of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. So radical decentralization and opening, still remaining, keeping the borders open for trade and exchange. That's the best possible outcome we could have seen. And then maybe no world wars, but that's really stretching it a lot. The world could be a different place with Rudolf in charge and Menger being the intellectual guru of the emperor.
One year after the death of Rudolf in one of the Viennese newspapers, a sketch or a brief biography. of Crown Prince Ruluk appeared authorless, and it is typically language of Manga. It is also describing from a point of view of someone who has taught him, who knows him very well, who has traveled with him, and there are not so many people, and one of them was Manga. So I'm sure this was Manga. The suicide of Krampus Rudolf was for sure a huge shock to him. And it also detached him from society. Karl postanawia skupić się na pracy naukowej i do końca życia nie mieć już nic wspólnego z monarchią.
Znajduje schronienie w swojej bibliotece, budowanej sukcesywnie od dnia, w którym lata temu przyjechał do Wiednia, gdy świeże było jeszcze wspomnienie biblioteki w domu straconego wcześniej ojca. Przede wszystkim pracował z tymi książkami i w bibliotece. with the best of his students. A lot of students contacted Menger, not only to get to know him, but especially to get to know his library and to be able to study his books. Menger is famous for his huge collection of books. We can claim that his library is about 20,000 books. Menger's collecting was much above the norms. Those 20,000 plus volumes were a collection that had almost no equivalent on the private ownership in Europe. This is a typical Viennese apartment, higher floors.
So if you put in like that, it's feasible to have 20,000 books in an apartment full of books. The collection is actually really a representation of the world that he is evolving in and is creating that world. W świecie Karla pojawia się też nowa osoba. Hermina Anderman. Młoda dziewczyna, która sprawia, że dom Karla bardziej przypomina ten rodzinny. I to nie dzięki kolekcjom książek o relacjach międzyludzkich, ale dzięki jej relacji z Karlem. Ten nowy element świata Karla nie wszystkim jest jednak na rękę. Very few people seem to realize that Kurt Menger retired because of a family scandal. Everyone knew that in Vienna, but it happens. Hermine was a journalist, author, and musician. She was much younger than he was.
It was considered as an inappropriate relation to a lady 30 years younger than he. Already a relationship that would have been frowned upon in society and made him impossible in upper class Austrian society. The relation started in the early 90s, when Hermione was about 20 years. It was a couple which was known in Vienna, but it was considered as inappropriate. As nowadays as an old profession. Jeśli masz z tym studenta kochane powiązanie, to będzie trochę zaskoczony. W pewnych klasach nie ma więcej zaproszeń do społecznych spotkań, tylko w związku z tym niemożliwym związkiem. W tamtych czasach było to oczywiście o wiele strictej. 1893 roku.
Czyżby Karl wciąż zachował swoje opinie o instytucji małżeństwa, które miał jeszcze podczas studiów w Pradze? Kalmenga odwiedził z uniwersytetu w 1903 roku. Jest młodym ojcem. Það er að hæða einnjárjársson á þessum ári. Ég verði að Menger þá þátti á þessu ári. Það var áherslu á þessu ári. Það þátti að verða áherslu og að þúðla. Þegar hansu þarf að þarfa að Na moment przed narodzinami syna Karl zostaje zaproszony do wyższej izby austriackiego parlamentu Herrenhaus. Będzie zasiadać tam ponad dekadę, jednak nie zabierając głosu. To jest bardziej promocja, jako odzyskanie świata, który grał w życiu, w Uniwersytecie i jako kanclerz w ramach reformy walutowej.
But the fact is that he was missing most of the meetings, that his health was not good enough anymore to play any significant role in it, as far as I know. W 1911 roku Karl łamie złożoną sobie obietnicę i udaje się do cesarza z prośbą o oficjalne uznanie swojego nieślubnego syna, co też cesarz czyni. Zaraz później Karl zamieszkuje razem z Herminą i ich synem, również Karlem, tyle że pisanym przez K. 70-letni Karl, żyjący poza światami Akademii, rządowych komisji, gazet i dworu, wciąż nie składa broni. zostało przecież najważniejsze. Dokończenie serii rozpoczętej 40 lat temu pierwszym tomem zasad ekonomii. Po odkryciu istnienia archiwum w Japonii odkryłem kopię Grundsetza, który Menger sam używał. I mogłem sobie wyobrazić, że pisał, żeby się przygotować do drugiej edycji jego książki.
Karl Menger zażyczył sobie dostarczenie specjalnego wydania jego zasad ekonomii, gdzie do każdej strony drukowanej będzie dołączona druga czysta strona. W tym momencie on sobie już zdawał sprawę, że trzeba będzie przygotować nowe, ulepszone wydanie jego zasad. On to konstantnie napisał. Jeśli patrzymy na jego wersję, to miał tam wiele notów. Once you have 20,000 books, you realize, oh my God, I need maybe 100,000. The more books you have, the more links you get to new books to look into. So there's a kind of exponential development of his library. Menger himself started to perhaps overdo, overwrite the book when he was revising it. And rethinking things over so often that the simple basics that he had described, became too complicated.
Menger never really began writing further volumes of the book, which was intended as a bigger bulk of books. When you set yourself a program like that, I write the introduction, and I will write each volume later. You are preparing for yourself a nightmare. At the great crossroads of the last 30 years of the 19th century, you have so many different streams of thought. The end of the classical political economy, the beginning of marginalism, Varus in France, Jevons in Britain, and Menger himself. When you have the German historical school, when you have all these, you have to catch up all the time with the development of the economics of the moment. It was too much.
we can see that he stopped reading important books at some point. He got overwhelmed. It's even important, new editions have no annotations. Adnotacje nie tylko przestały pojawiać się na marginesach nowych książek, także te, które już istniały, zostały stracone. Jednym z pierwszych wspomnień syna, Karla, miało być ognisko, na którym Karl miał spalić całe mnóstwo swoich pism i notatek. Możemy się zdenerwować, że nie mamy części 2, 3, 4, ale mamy wystarczająco dużo, żeby rozwijać myśl. satisfaction of needs, availability of resources, and marketability or salability. It is enough in the sense that we have at that high level of abstractions all the concepts that he would have used anyway. Karl miał spalić swoje notatki w okolicach roku 1912. Nie wiemy tego na pewno.
Są także sugestie, że notatki nie poszły z dymem na ognisku, tylko jako podpałka do ogrzania domu podczas zimnych nocy rozpoczętej niebawem wojny światowej. Miesiąc po jej wybuchu, w sierpniu 1914 roku, umiera najwierniejszy uczeń Mengera, Eugen von Bombawerk. Karl wygłasza mowę pogrzebową, która przez zgromadzonych żałobników miała być odebrana jako co najmniej nie na miejscu. It's a nice thing to live through. He was struggling to get food, because in Vienna, there was a shortage of food. And you can imagine what that means for someone who is 80 years old. The difficulties that the war created in the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, where there were worries as simple as how to eat something.
And this is why Menger said to his wife, sell, sell the only thing that we have. As long as I'm alive, I want to keep my books, but once I'm not there anymore, you need to survive with our son. So sell. Og það bætti værið sært Karl Menger að sjá þessu dæstur áfæðning af Hjálpsborgumfjöndu á þessu álstu álstu. Það er ekki mjög áherslu til klasifalafæri sem Karl Menger og hans áherslu til að fjölaði konfederáði með fyrirfyrrelafri og fyrirfyrrelafri langið er ekki á þessu fyrirfyrrelafri. Það er ekki áherslu til klasifalafæri. He has seen the country and the monarchy where he has grown up falling apart.
When you yesterday you saw the photos, this was the first time I saw the photo of the old man girl. And what is grabbed my attention, his eyes. He's sitting like the grandfather, but in that photo his eyes were completely young, vibrating young eyes. So he should have remained, despite his old age, a brilliant thinker. And he passes away in 1921 in a Vienna that is the so-called Red Vienna. Karl opuszcza ziemię byłego imperium. zredukowanego do postaci słabego państewka, któremu i tak większość mieszkańców wróży rychłe zespolenie z Niemcami. Niemieccy ekonomiści do samego końca nie dali się przekonać Karlowi do jego indywidualistycznego podejścia i sceptycyzmu wobec centralnego zarządzania.
Ale wkrótce niektórzy z nich zaczną chwalić innego Austriaka, który w tychże właśnie dniach zostaje liderem skromnej, niemieckiej, narodowo-socjalistycznej Partii Robotników. Carl Junior publikuje drugie wydanie Zasad Ekonomii, ale robi to bez wglądu w notatki, które zostały na marginesach książek w bibliotece sprzedanej przez Herminę kolekcjonerowi z Japonii. Nieliczni uczniowie szkoły austriackiej rozrzuceni są po całej Europie, gdzie powoli edukują kolejne pokolenia studentów. Nie zdają sobie jeszcze sprawy z dwóch nadchodzących śmiertelnych zagrożeń plak komunizmu i antysemityzmu. to. The Austrian-Mongolian tradition migrated from Europe to the US and only sort of through America then got back to places such as Prague.
My opinion at least is that there is a wide gap between the older Austrian school and his work as a founder of that school and what it has become, especially once it crossed the Atlantic. If you look at the German original of the Grundsätze, you see footnotes and footnotes and footnotes about history of every aspect. you Then the American editors reorganized the book so that the reader would not be so disturbed by these endless footnotes. Karl Menge's only disciple who went on in economics and continued economics was Böhm von Bawerk and the most important disciple of Böhm von Bawerk is Ludwig von Mises. And the most important disciple of Mises passing it on is Hayek in Europe.
Mises is right where it splits in a way, Mises moves fairly late in his life to the US and this is Rothbard in the US. There is one German speaking student who called Roland Bader, who studied at university under Hayek. Paradoxically, I'm the last economist teaching Austrian economics at Austrian universities. That's true that Austrian economics is not routinely taught at universities. It's very difficult for politicians and for other academics to agree that the individual counts and that the individual is the most important person, that the individual knows better. Economics is mathematics today, but maybe too much mathematics and we lose the ability to think. what is the meaning behind the theorems.
This is very dangerous because political economy from the very beginning was about the seen and unseen, direct and indirect. The same attitudes towards knowledge that supported the German historical school, this interest for data, discarding theory, is also what we face today in the field of economics. And reading mangas helps you going back to the real meaning of economic phenomena. The history of the 20th century and the relationship between the German-speaking world and France is such that this was almost forgotten for most of the 20th century. Menger var í einnig á hægt á hljóðsvæðinu hlutinni, því að einn næra spilarinn sem spilar í Íngerska var ekki að gera þessum áherslu sem hann hætti eða hætti skriða hansk áherslu.
Við ástundum á 150 ári fyrir að það kom að skilja áherslu á fyrir 1871-2020 og á metodológið 1883-2011 á 128 ári. the only language of science, major language of science, in which those works didn't exist. Major author, dealing with issues that are really revolutionary, not group rebellion, but what is the individual about? Who are you? What are you doing when you're making some economic transaction? We still don't have Menger in Czech, so that's a task for us to make his book accessible to Czech audience by translating it. Czech translation? Well, nothing. I guess we don't. . . We might have some. . . like an article on money, but the books are not available in the Czech language. So not the original foundational works.
So that needs to be done. We published books with various authors on Karl Menger, about Karl Menger, about various topics on Menger. Then, of course, there is tomorrow's conference. It's the 10th anniversary of the Austrian Economics Conference that we annually do in Vienna. And the other second year is in. . . in Latin America. It was the centenary of his death. And in economics, we like to make big events for such occasions. He deserves to be recognized. If Menger was still alive, he would have still a lot of work to do. Perhaps we should say that we have a lot of work to do.
I think if Menger just appeared today and see how things were going on in economics, he would be upset by the arrogance of economists. Maybe would be disappointed about the dependence of sciences from politics. He would criticize the loss of individual freedom that we have, over-regulation. He would have learned how many of his worst prophecies have become true. But then maybe he would regain optimism in seeing how rebuilding is possible, how again bottom-up things can re-emerge, how important are the more invisible parts of the capital structure, which he had appreciation for. He would welcome the general reduction of custom walls, that we have practically a free trade world, and we have globalization. positively surprised by the accessibility of books.
Whether it's electronically or in form of libraries or in printed versions. How easy it is today. He would love that everybody can study, that we have equal opportunities. He would also be a strong supporter, I'm sure, of academic freedom because science is a free competition of ideas. I think he'd be totally immersed in the fascinating study of how this present tens of hours has emerged out of history. And second, he would like the new materials for the fishing equipment. I czy uzbrojony w nowoczesny sprzęt wędkarski menger wybrałby się nad Zalew Czorsztyński? Jak by zareagował, gdyby dowiedział się, że to znakomite łowisko wędkarskie powstało z zalania w 1997 roku maniowych ukochanej wioski jego dziadków. Te życiorysy umykają ludziom.
umykają takie postacie jak właśnie Carl Menger, które są postaciami światowego formatu. Nie sądeckiego, ale światowego formatu. Menger nie pasjonuje mnie jako ekonomista, tylko bardziej mnie pasjonuje też jako postać, która została tak wymazana z historii. Tutaj w Nowym Sączu i w Galicji. Jest to zupełnie zaskakujące, przecież to był człowiek, który tak naprawdę mógł odwrócić losy polityki, gdyby historia z Rudolfem inaczej się potoczyła. niesamowicie wpływowy, człowiek o niesamowicie otwartym umyśle. Takim umyśle, jakim myślę niewiele osób w Galicji miało. Tak zostaje zapomniany. Dla mnie to jest po prostu nie do pojęcia i to mnie pasjonuje w Męgerze.
Dlaczego tak się stało? Dlaczego tak się ta historia potoczyła? Gdyby dzisiaj po Nowym Sączu przejść, gdybyśmy wyszli teraz na rynek tutaj, na plac, po którym Mengera w wózeczku może matka woziła i zapytali się ludzi, kto to był Karl Menger, myślę, że nadal jest to nieliczny odsetek ludzi, który by wiedział, o ile by ktokolwiek wiedział. Zresztą ciągle wymaga pracy, ciągle wymaga pracy nad tym, żeby tę postać przypominać. 150ml 牛奶 1 茶匙 .