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Hold on I still want you Come back I still need you Saying 90 Let me take your hands I'll make it right I swear to love you all my life Hold on I still need you I'm not looking at enemies from your side We don't have any problems Each of us is an astronaut because we're looking for new white Google and 211, the world is our home I'm as big as a magela but I remember it wasn't always like that You know that I loved sad music more than the year of the rooster I just wanted to save you today Sad memories, so you can do it too I'll keep flying like a black and white, and that's all the moon has I'm a short-sleeved monger, she doesn't love me, she eats me Listen, we don't cover the raspberry, it's for the jubilera I'm going to school like a DJ, seriously, what problems, fuck it Get in the crowd, fuck it, let it be today, it doesn't matter Give me more life, more you, more of what you can't see Give me more than two, today I'll fly, today I'll fly towards the moon Give me more life, more you, more of what you can't see Give me more than two, today I'll fly, today I'll fly towards the moon I can't fight the celestial, before you win, feel your heartbeat Give me strength and please don't Everything that's not in the dark, is hiding somewhere in the past Like conversations in the flow, conversations are running in my head My two problems in peace multiply the fury by eight Why do you think I can't fly then, tell me where You know it's a lesson, I feel very unprepared How to separate the heart from the soul for good When I even break all my plans, maybe someday I'll find my own way Nerves are gone, who has peace will stay, it will certainly not be called The soul of harmony has become, I know I don't want to hurt anyone for what I have in my head I don't want to hurt for my jealousy, self-esteem And kill every flaw that rubs my nerves And get good results without looking Give me more life, more you, more of what you can't see Give me more than two, today I will fly, today I will fly towards the moon Give me more life, more you, more of what you can't see Give me more than two, today I will fly, today I will fly towards the moon Thank you for watching!.
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