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Welcome Małgosiu in Gdynia. Good morning, Adasiu. After a long absence, welcome again in Madara. Thank you for inviting me to the air, as usual, crystal clear. Because it's raining, it's very beautiful. It's beautiful. Listen, that's right, referring to this beauty outside, it's May. And then June, so-called Communal Wedding Season. True. Let's leave Communion in the room, let's take care of the wedding. There were a lot of questions about the names. Should the young lady stay with her lady's name or take her husband's name? Or maybe two-part names? And if so, in what order? Of course, it all depends on the individuality of the given person and their settings.
But if the young lady stays with the energetic only her child, until she becomes a mother in the birth of a husband, she does not enter the karma of this child. So only after the birth of a child. If the child is their child, then part of this karma stays with her in the big picture. But until then, it remains with the structure of the karma of the name. So it all depends on whether this name is lighter or heavier. So the so-called burden, right? We talked about it yesterday, because I also work on the set-up workshops with child burdens. Sometimes some are really difficult, and some are just. . . They flow. They just flow.
There is quality, there is good karma, sometimes it is even easier. A very simple rule. If a woman wants to change her name, then at the beginning it is necessary to count how many letters are in her name and how many letters in today's name or in the potential partner's name. It is not everything you can take into account, and it should be taken into account, because it is as beneficial as possible. But the first simple paradigm. If the sum of the first used name and surname is not karmic, i. e. there is no combination of name plus surname, 13 letters, 14, 16, 19, then we can safely use this name.
Besides, if the name ends with a high letter, with a vibration of 8, with a vibration of 9, this ending is always more financial-efficient than the name with the A ending. So, for example, the Z ending. Yes. W? Yes, always enough. If the name is reduced, i. e. the last two letters, the vibration is smaller, and after that it is higher, then the finances will go up. You can find the tables on the Internet. A is, for example, one, I remember from your course, B is two. Exactly. So you can count on it. Anyway, you will have them on the monitor, we will take a picture later, and you will have them on the monitor.
Ladies and Gentlemen, there are two common tables used right now, because we write in Latin, in the Latin alphabet. So, in my work, from the beginning of this introduction, from the beginning of this work, in this introduction, I only use the tables that arrange the letters according to Latin. You will also find the IDIŻ arrangement, Russian arrangement, and certainly Bedy's. They differ, but we write in Latin. Therefore, according to the Pythagorean number, I count my personal choice as the Latin letters. Could you give an example, maybe? This is an interesting situation, because if we take a simple name, let's say. . . Jan? Janina? Janina. Janina. Although it is already a bit like. . . Slavic name.
Maybe not necessarily today, in great use, but very interesting. Because I remember such names once, they change over time, right? Fashion changes. Maybe this name will return to grace, we don't know that. But it is unique, it is specific, I will show you right away, because it contains two elevens, in total 22, that is, the great spiritual power, the Holy Sepulcher. This name also proves that it should be called back. Old marriage and commitment, especially the temple, which were composed in previous hymns. The name has 6 letters. If we have a family name for this name, let's assume that this family name will be Jasinska. In each of these vibrations we always have something interesting.
It will be 3, 3, 6, 7, 8 letters. So 6 plus 8 gives us 14 letters. And here is the karmic name. Dear ladies and gentlemen, taking into account such simple parameters as self-propagation, we can see a simple karmic name plus the number of letters. This setting is certainly not good for this name. Fourteen is the karmic name of freedom, right? Fourteen is karmic name of freedom, right? It can be overuse, it can be a contact with a person who overuses something. It is not an easy system. However, if we take the second name here, let's assume that it will be the karmic name, which has 4 letters. Then we get 18 letters.
It is also not a great system. If we take the karmic name, we will get 18 letters at this point. This will be the end of various old matters, old relationships. Because of the whole nine. Because of the whole nine. And unfortunately, this does not bring us a great system for the future. So double would not be useful. But if we only leave the karmic name, which has 4 letters, and add these 4 letters to the sixth, that is, we will give up the double, then at this point we have a useful system of 10 letters. This is true, it means a lot of changes in life.
Because 10 are constant changes of 180 degrees and they are not easy. There may also be different types of experience of loss. However, in all, it is the feeling of success that this life has allowed to achieve something. For each of us, something is something different and it is not always exactly what the given person is most concerned with. So for Mrs. Janina, the best way out would be to keep your name, but come to the name of the husband. If you can, of course, you will have a name for the frost. Exactly. However, other important things.
If we had to look at the karmic name in this place, here comes a very strong karma, in the name of Jasieńska Trzynastki, which concerns both men and women and always causes up to 40 financial and economic delays, and after 40 financial support and the possibility of creating an property that can even be inherited for generations. In this particular system, this is what it looks like, ladies and gentlemen, why do we avoid the 16th vibration in letters? Because we risk separation. After 16, it is in some way. Something like that. There are still vibrations that make it easier for the general public. Such a vibration, the sum of all letters, will be 21. Such a vibration will also be 28.
So three, one. Yes, and this specific sub-vibration also has a meaning. When it comes to names, very often a good option is to choose a double name, because we take the energy of the partner's birth and we take, we keep a constant relationship with our own name. But if after the summing it turns out that this number of letters, as in the case of you, would be useless, it is better to avoid the food that is burdening you. In choosing a name, it is worth suggesting that the last letter, as in this case, I have specially shown you the final eight, because this name brings in the finance.
And the Z at the end, right? Yes, it brings us the finance. You will probably have a lot of questions, but to answer the questions about specific names, specific names, consultation is necessary. Because in each of these names there is something like karma hidden. I will draw this short name for you. Because you can draw a lot of information from the name, right? Just like we discussed earlier with the name. Exactly. So I will show you this short name, because you can take a look here. There is a four, a karmic one inside, there is a six. I will show this camera for a moment, so that you can see it.
We have a very short name with a great top, a three out of twelve, with an artistic triad inside, which also means that some children have some artistic talents guaranteed. So a six, a nine, right? There is a triad here. But what is dangerous in this name? A thirteen, which brings financial losses and slowdowns. And a fourteen, which is taken, because a fourteen always means a fight for freedom of some kind, it can be addiction, but it can also be the loss of an important person in life. Because a fight also means a loss of risk.
When a couple comes, they most often want to know what name to take, and the second variant of the question is the date of marriage. Yes, with these names, I know that sometimes there must be a consent to the marriage, because if there is one, sometimes it is the case that the future young lady does not have consent to the husband's name, or the husband does not have consent to the future, that his future wife had two names. It also happened to me many times that gentlemen, having a consent name, took the name of the wife. The consequence? It also has its advantages.
At the moment when they become parents, the energy in the child is very much balanced, because forever this man becomes the father in the child, and this is an invaluable role. And forever this woman becomes the mother in his child. And no matter how many thousands of years they have seen from the previous meeting, or how many decades of energy or physical war between their ancestors have passed, and no matter what their personal karma is, the child is always born as a child in the room. He is a messenger in the room, he is supposed to convince the father's family to help the mother.
I often make settings and there are situations where there is a couple who have been fighting for ages. They can't break up or be together forever. In the work it turns out that two impregnated children, who have practically fought from the beginning, have not really known what it is about. And this is carried on by the next generations. And they accumulate such simple, small curses, curses, somewhere 300 years ago. And let the horse bite your leg, and let the woman pour you with boiling water. These are only delicate. Yes, we say small, but sometimes they are even worse. Yes, very, very, so-called mortal curses. Or, unfortunately, ritual.
And then the many-generation layer of such a war is a ticking bomb, which is accumulating in every generation. And it's not even about the death of individual members, just so that you don't get born in the field, so that you don't have children, so that you have money. It's about death in living spaces. Simple jealousy. Simple jealousy. Such human jealousy that is being crushed by generations, plus, unfortunately, the second very strong archaic reaction of human beings, is simply revenge. You didn't want me to do this, I'll show you now how it is. Now I don't want you. I have a couple that has been chasing 36 generations, 36 bodies, before they met and balanced the energy between them. Very interesting.
Yes. When it comes to the self-acceptance of marriage, there are two cycles in human life. There is the cycle of personal life and the cycle of possibilities. In none of them, you cannot have nines in the date of the marriage. It doesn't matter whether it is religious, whether it is just state. None of these dates can fall on the so-called personal day nine, or on the personal year, or on the cycle of possibilities. I will write down to you that the cycle of possibilities is the calendar year plus the life's way. I remind you that the way of life is the sum of numbers written in the date of birth.
This cycle of possibilities always works from September 24, from the last year to the year of the count. It works for 12 months, so until December 23, the next year, this year of the count. And in this period, if you get a nine, you cannot get married. The personal year is the calendar year plus the first condition, where the first condition is the sum of the date of birth and the month. In this system, if you get a nine, from the date of birth in the given year, for the next 12 months, you should not have any relationships, not legalize. So if someone was born in December, this cycle will only begin in the previous one.
If someone was born in January, he has the luxury that for the year of the count, from January to the next birthday, it will work. We will try to bring this card closer to you later, because it was a little easier. In some previous material, we have already explained these ways of counting. You can also take a look. Consultations also take into account the personal year, the cycle of possibilities, the personal day, which is the whole calendar day, i. e. the date of registration of marriage, plus the second life of each of these people who take part in it. And for any of you, it should not be a nine, it should not be a five or a seven.
Five is freedom, right? But also romance. But also, ah, romance. Seven is spiritual depth, work-life, work-life, but also loneliness. Nine is ending old affairs and relationships. And that is why certain people meet for this and even enter marriage relationships to finish something. Not necessarily to be. Sometimes couples meet, sometimes individuals meet for workshops, come to consultations or workshops and say, it was nice to be with my partner, it was nice to be with my partner, until we did not live together, or we were in a free so-called relationship, in a partner relationship, with the moment when we took the wedding, during sometimes three days, literally everything was scattered.
And here what you said, sometimes I also work, sometimes we have a child, sometimes we have a child, sometimes we have reincarnation. It is worth looking at it. Just like partners live at a distance. It is a different energy. It is a different energy, yes. They live in the same city or in the same shared apartment and everything just scatters. You can say it colloquially. And I propose to live together, sometimes for 3, 5, 10 years. And only then make decisions. Another thing that you have touched on is very important. Apart from living together, which is similar, in fact, it shows our full personality after 10 years of living together, at least 3, to know anything about our location.
It is the energy of belonging, which is involved in wedding relationships. If someone starts a marriage, and before it was for the sake of marriage, that is, trying to be together, and then you belong to me, because my great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather had such a belief, my great-grandmother and great-great-grandmother also had a belief that one should be the only one and this wedding is eternal, then with such assumptions or such beliefs, as family or personal, where the belonging starts, there it goes out, trying to be with another partner. And at that moment, this system simply energy flows.
As it was sometimes in the wedding, that it must be for the child, the daughter, for you only a doctor, or I don't know, only a military in uniform, and there is no other agreement. If the mother-in-law is like that, then it is also. . . Yes, her parents or grandmother or sometimes great-grandmother even, because in our family it was always like this, not otherwise. And it can't be otherwise, right? It happens that we meet as partners our beloved children, who in the previous incarnations simply died, died, left the house, did not return. And then it is great love, but it is the love of the caregiver.
It happens that we meet wonderful partners, with whom we were in a relationship, but we did not plan to be in a relationship for many years in this life. They are then wonderful friends. And they complement each other very strongly then. Yes, but it also happens that a partner comes, it is a great fascination, it is a great tendency very often. It is a phenomenal, manifest relationship. Many learn from each other, but the relationship is basically revenge. And they end quickly too. Each of our life relationships, our private, personal relationships, will always have its own history.
We do not have to know the whole history, but knowing at least its part allows us to accept what is as it is. And despite the fact that it is exactly like that, we can live on, finding everyday happiness. And another very interesting topic, perhaps for the next episode, whether it is a church wedding or a civil wedding and dates. How well. . . I will advise you, brothers, one wedding, a civil wedding, and a religious wedding, depending on your faith. But separately, if these are already two independent, separate meetings, then you can also choose the dates. Thank you very much, Ugosiu. Thank you for your attention, for your time. We wish you all the best in this time.
All the best. Thank you. Thank you. .
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