Thiamine, a B vitamin, plays a crucial role in protecting organisms from stress. Plants, bacteria, animals, and humans all upregulate thiamine-dependent processes in response to stress. Thiamine deficiency can mimic the effects of oxygen deprivation at the cellular level. Studies show that thiamine supplementation can protect cells from various stressors, improve cognitive function, and support adaptation to stress. Thiamine's anti-stress properties are conserved across different organisms, making it a vital nutrient for combating the detrimental effects of environmental stresses.
Do you know one of the first things a plant does when it's exposed to stress of any kind? It makes thiamine. One of the second things it does when it's exposed to stress is it upregulates all of the thiamine-dependent processes in its cells. Do you know one of the first things that human cells do when they're deprived of oxygen? They rapidly suck up thiamine from the blood. Thiamine is a B vitamin which universally represents protection against stress.
its anti-stress properties are conserved among the plant kingdom right the way through to fungi bacteria animals and humans as we will see today it's one of the main tools utilized by all types of living organisms to counteract the detrimental effects of environmental stresses and stress of any kind in humans we know that this nutrient becomes depleted under any significant stressor and this includes overwork infection inflammation and oxidative stress i suspect that these anti-stress properties make thiamine somewhat unique among the other b vitamins and this might be one of the reasons why it's so effective in so many different chronic diseases so in this video we're going to look at some of the evidence which supports this position so first of all understand that in many plants one of the first responses to stress whether that be from an infection whether that be abiotic is to increase the production of thymine.
As we can see from this paper, you can see from this diagram, it's talking about the stress sensing response, the ability of the plant to detect different changes in the environment. And this could be abiotic stress, so it can be salt flooding, it can be too much water, too little water, etc. And what they basically outline here is that one of the initial things that occurs is that the plant uses thiamine to sense stress and then rapidly increases its biosynthesis of this vitamin. Next, as part of the plant's ability to adapt to that stressor, it upregulates all of the thiamine-dependent processes in the cell. So these are thiamine-dependent pathways and enzymes because the products of these pathways are protective against stresses of any kind. So you have antioxidants, you have amino acids.
you have a variety of different things which can help the plant survive as you can see what they speak about here is they explicitly say that these thymine dependent processes are up regulated to compensate okay they provide important defense molecules eg antioxidants and stress protectants now this paper goes on to talk about thymine's potential role as an alarm signal it's an alarm single signal that a plant uses to detect potentially unfavorable conditions or changes in the environment and what they specifically refer to as is as an alarm or a stress protectant so if we look at this other study it shows a similar thing is this was done in a type of crest and again looking at ceilings under soul stress when there's too much salt when there's too much water osmotic stress What it showed, what they determined was that these plants rapidly produced more thiamine, okay, first of all, and they also upregulated a lot of the thiamine-dependent enzymes.
Again, this was involved in stress sensing and adaptation to stress, okay? Again, here's another very interesting diagram taken from that paper. It's showing how stressful conditions for plants, these processes which are negatively impacted, these all depend on thiamine. And when these are impacted negatively, this is classed as stress sensing. This causes the plant to increase the rate of thiamine production. And then we have all of these good things, which allow the plant to adapt to that stressor. Again, another study showing a similar thing, although this time what they did was they gave the plants exogenous thiamine, so similar to supplementation of thiamine, and it allowed them to develop enhanced thiamine.
tolerance to oxidative stress caused by a herbicide very toxic herbicide called paraquat the next one was looking at what happens when you treat grapevines with high amounts of thiamine you give them exogenous thiamine they showed very enhanced resistance against one of the most destructive fungal diseases in vineyards and if you look at some of these diagrams it shows that thiamine treatment enhanced the production of these polyphenols and other. . .
phenolic compounds which essentially provide protection against the the fungus next up we have a very interesting review it's titled vitamin B1 functions as an activator of plant disease resistance again similar to what we were just discussing um but they conclude and they present a lot of evidence in this respect that in addition to its nutritional value So rather than it just participating in enzymes and in its kind of biochemical role, it's also involved in something called systemic acquired resistance in plants. Now, what this means is, is kind of widespread resistance against any type of pathogen. Without going into the details of exactly how it does this, it's doing it via multiple different mechanisms and upregulating genes, which are responsible for increasing defenses in various ways.
so it's quite fascinating that this is a known thing now it's referred to as a novel novel paradigm um but it's something that scientists are starting to look into and again if you look at some of these images you can see if we go a little bit closer the difference between the mock group and the thiamine treated group so for instance you see uh clear signs of disease none in the thiamine and this is not only like the nutritional thiamine the plant is getting it's actually exogenous thiamine so it's when you give extra thiamine to the plant even if the plant is not technically deficient if you give extra thiamine then it provides extra protection against these various diseases another paper which shows a similar thing but just in cotton this time is titled thiamine functions as a key activator for modulating plant health and broad spectrum tolerance and i've highlighted here it says exogenous thiamine enhanced stress tolerance.
Overall, our study demonstrates that thiamine played a crucial role in the trade-off between plant health and stress resistance. Again, something similar in cauliflower. Another study on grapevines, which showed a similar thing as before. You can see the images here. So you see the thiamine compared to the control group. You see the growth rate compared to the control group.
so again this is when it's being exposed to a fungal infection the thymine very much helped to protect against that next we have another one on maize which showed that thymine helped to protect against the effects of arsenic arsenic being a heavy metal whilst it's toxic in humans it's also toxic to plant tissue and it can cause plant death we have a similar concept shown in different types of p and so they gave thymine as a supplement to the plants not only protected growth and development but also supported biochemical attributes in terms of detox of detoxification responses for fighting against the stressed conditions once again in oil palm trees one of the first responses to oxidative stress is to increase the expression of thymine biosynthesis again they said that these findings support the suggestion that thymine may play an important role in plant protection against stress so at this point i think it's fair to say that thiamine is somewhat synonymous with the concept of protection against stress in plants.
But as we'll see, this also appears to apply to bacteria as well as other microorganisms. In E. coli bacteria, a form of thiamine called thiamine triphosphate, which is also found in humans and other animals, by the way, this was shown to accumulate during the stress reaction. This one study demonstrated that all. . . concluded that these results suggest that the early accumulation of thiamine triphosphate initiates a reaction cascade involved in the adaptation of bacteria to stringent conditions in other words adaptation of bacteria to stress we see another um study which was also looking at e coli under severe energy stress what did they find they show that e coli accumulate large amounts of thiamine triphosphate under severe energy stress.
If you look at other microorganisms such as cyanobacteria, these guys can also make thiamine when they want to. So this showed that when you expose this bacteria to stress, the expression of genes involved in the synthesis of thiamine, so how they're making thiamine. was between four and six fold higher compared to controls likewise a similar concept applies to yeast this was specifically looking at baker's yeast they exposed it to lots of different types of stress and they supplemented some with thymine they found improved antioxidant status improved stress conditions and improve overall health so they concluded that this is also another important mechanism by which yeast counteracts stress. So all in all, it would appear that thiamine is somewhat synonymous with the concept of anti-stress or stress protection.
It's even been labeled as an environmental stress protectant by some researchers. Now let's just recap. So in plants, one of the first things that a plant will do if it senses that there's some kind of a stressor, whether that be a toxin, whether that be an environmental stressor like temperature, water, or salt, whether it be a pest or some kind of an infection.
one of the first thing it's going to do is it's going to rapidly increase the amount of thiamine which it produces okay and this really kind of makes sense because when you consider the way that it adapts to stress after that is by increasing a lot of the thiamine dependent processes in the cell so it's basically using up more it's increasing the amount of enzymes it's up regulating the activity of everything and what that helps us to do or what that helps the the plant and the bacteria potentially to do is to produce um different chemicals which can help to counteract the negative effects of the stressor whether that be a toxin or whatever so this is antioxidants this is polyphenols amino acids etc a lot of these pathways are going to help the plants survive hostile environmental conditions we see that bacteria can also accumulate different types of thymine under severe energy stress, and this is surely to preserve some kind of a function.
We see that this function of thiamine protecting against stress is conserved among plants and microorganisms. It would be silly to assume that this didn't also apply to animals and humans. I mean, it only makes sense that the principle can be applied across the board. And this is something that I've been talking about for years. I mean, Dr. Derek Lonsdale, Chandler Mars, originally introduced me to the concept. Lonsdale has been speaking about it for decades.
but this concept that thymine can be used as a means of protecting the body against stress which is what i've seen personally i've seen it clinically and i know that it there's some grain of truth to that concept the only issue that we're dealing with now though is that plants and certain bacteria can make their own thymine that's the thing they can synthesize their own so if they anticipate that they're gonna need more then they just make more that's not the case for animals and humans In fact, we need to get it from exogenous sources. We need to get it from the diet.
And there's good reason to believe, or what I personally think, is that under conditions of disease, under conditions of cellular stress, when a cell cannot meet the demands placed on it, then what this is also going to do is it's going to rapidly increase thymine-dependent processes as a means of protection. But what that also means is that we need, like our requirement goes up. It means that we even. . .
either need to be eating more through the diet or we need to be taking it supplementally to replenish what is lost now perhaps in an acute situation we can deal with this but when this goes on chronically like in our modern world when this goes on for a long period of time people dealing with chronic diseases what i suspect is that we end up with a situation where thiamin is being used up to such an extent that what we eat through the diet is not sufficient to replenish that and i think that's one of the reasons why high doses of thiamine can oftentimes be necessary, but also can be applied to a wide variety of different disease conditions, disease states. Okay.
It can be used in things like chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, but also neurological dysfunction, cardiac problems. So heart problems, vascular problems, gut problems. It seems as though there's so many things that thiamine can help with only when it's taken in kind of like a super physiologic dose that I suspect we're dealing with something.
to do with its anti-stress properties and i think this is what might be going on so in the next section what we're going to look at is some of the evidence in humans and animals and see kind of if we can flesh out this concept a little bit more so one of the best pieces of evidence i think that we have today which illustrates this concept really well is the fact that a lack of thiamine causes almost equivalent effects to a lack of oxygen at the cellular level that means that if you don't have enough b1 your cells interpret that in a similar way to if you were hypoxic now just so that you know the reason why we require oxygen Relates to our mitochondria.
So it's how we are taking food breaking that down into its constituent molecules and converting that into energy to make Energy in the form of ATP we require oxygen and if we don't have enough oxygen Then we revert to a very primitive form of metabolism called glycolysis It basically involves rapid breakdown of sugar conversion into something called lactic acid. It's highly inefficient and it doesn't provide much ATP. So really, the reason why we require oxygen to such an extent is so that we can make lots of ATP and lots of energy in our mitochondria. When a cell is deprived of oxygen, then it triggers a variety of survival mechanisms. One of those is to make something called hypoxia-inducible factor. This is going to go on to affect gene expression.
which kind of initiates a bunch of different adaptations to allow the cell to survive in low oxygen environments. So really, this is the ultimate stressor that the cell could come under, is a lack of oxygen. And that's really going to be one of the main things which can kill a cell, which can lead to cell death. And lo and behold, what else can cause the equivalent biochemical situation to a lack of oxygen, which is really like the prototypical stressor for the cell.
well it turns out that thiamine deficiency can lead to almost equivalent effects on cell metabolism as a lack of oxygen and that's because thiamine insufficiency triggers hypoxia inducible factor this happens even in the context of normal oxygen saturation and we can see from this diagram here is that the effects are equivalent whether it's from a stroke or ischemia causing again a lack of oxygen saturation hypoxia or an induced thiamine deficiency same thing happens on the flip side hypoxia or deficiency in oxygen one of the first things that it will cause the cell to do is suck up thiamine okay and the way that it does that is through increasing thiamine transporters so for those who don't know thiamine is transported into the cell via these little proteins dotted on the cell membrane they're called thiamine transporters this will trigger the cells to suck up thiamine from the blood through increasing the expression of this thiamine transporter.
And again, I think that this really speaks to the fact that thiamine is fundamentally an anti-stress molecule. Okay. Now think back, go back to what we were speaking about when it came to plants. Okay. Plants, when they came across the stressor, they would immediately start synthesizing more thiamine. Well, in human cells we don't have the ability to make thiamine but what we can do instead and what we have evidence that happens is that instead of synthesizing more thiamine instead what we'll do is we'll increase the rate of transport we'll start sucking it up from the local environment so that we can replenish what's lost so that we can start we can provide the cell with some degree of protection against the main stressor, which is a lack of oxygen.
So in short, hypoxia causes cells to rapidly uptake thiamine. On the other hand, a thiamine deficiency will mimic the effects of hypoxia on cells. And this is really important to understand. Now, this has also been shown in another study, just to further illustrate the concept that a stressed out body will use up its thiamine reserves. We have this study by Donino and his colleagues. it's titled coronary artery bypass graph surgery depletes thiamine levels um and the what they concluded was our data suggests that major surgery as a surrogate for the stress of critical illness depletes thiamine levels if we go into the full paper um he cites research showing that when um ICU patients are originally admitted into the hospital uh up to 21 20 21% of them are deficient in thiamine.
But within a couple of days, within like seven days, it goes up to 71%. And he uses that to illustrate the point that when someone is critically ill, when they have a particular acute disease, which is taxing their immune system, which is taxing their metabolism, then it can very, very quickly run through thiamine stores. So if we're going to dig a little bit deeper into how cells respond to stress and why this might increase the requirement for thiamine, well, we have to consider the effect on energy metabolism. You see, cells require energy. Every single cell has a. . .
bio energetic reserve and a bio energetic requirement they need to be able to continually turn over energy so that they can deal with whatever threat that they're faced with and if you look at most toxins you look at most toxic substances well one of the mechanisms by which they work is by impairing the way that cells maintain this energy reserve and maintain this energy production if we look at where thiamine or what thiamine actually does in the cell of course you can look at any of my other videos on this, but just as a recap, you see that thiamine in its active form is used as a cofactor for different enzymes. Ultimately, these are referred to as rate limiting enzymes.
What that means is, is that when these enzymes become impaired, when these enzymes slow down in the rate at which they can convert the one thing into the other thing, well, what ends up happening is that every other step downstream also slows down.
In simple terms, when you don't have enough thiamine then it becomes somewhat irrelevant whether you have the other b vitamins because energy metabolism will slow down anyway regardless okay and the thing is these enzymes can be inactivated by stressful conditions by toxins by oxidative free radicals by inflammatory products by neurotoxic chemicals um either environmental chemicals man-made chemicals or chemicals which are produced endogenously in our brain so these thymine-dependent processes are particularly susceptible to damage and therefore it's theorized that perhaps one of the reasons why b1 can be so useful in chronic neurodegenerative problems is really because of its ability to re-ignite these enzymes when they've been shut down or they've been inactivated by other processes in fact Victoria bunic um based in Russia she's a thiamin researcher and she's got some very interesting ideas on the significance of thiamin dependent enzymes there's a very interesting quote from this paper and the way that she describes it is thus it can be seen that thiamin is a universal systemic regulator at the transcriptional translational and post-translational levels acting through essential impact of thymine dependent enzymes on central metabolism what does that basically mean well given the fact that thymine dependent enzymes are weight limiting okay given the fact that thymine dependent enzymes can also act on other enzymes and have um regulatory effects on metabolism as a whole it highlights the importance of maintaining good thiamine status as it turns out some of those thiamine dependent enzymes which are rate limiting such as the alpha key to glutarate dehydrogenase complex is very susceptible to inactivation by lots of different things this is talking about age dependent inactivation for instance there's another one which is looking at um free radicals and how they might mediate neurotoxicity cause neurotoxicity by inhibiting these enzymes copper for instance they show that free copper can inhibit these enzymes and this can be one of the mechanisms for neuron energy in injury in copper toxicity for instance again another paper speaks about uh inactivation or impairment of these enzymes in aging or neurodegenerative disease they also highlight the potential utility of using high doses of B1 to stimulate these enzymes.
And this is something that I've spoken about in this video previously. So in a similar way to plants and in bacteria, when you give high amounts of thiamine, when you give exogenous thiamine as a supplement, it also appears to be able to protect animal slash human cells against injury. Like recall back to the plant studies where they provided thiamine or exogenous thiamine and the plants were protected against different types of infection for instance or against arsenic toxicity well the same has also been shown to occur for animal cells and this is particularly applicable in the case of disease for example if we look at cardiac function for instance again thiamine treatment prior to injury is one of the things that can preserve mitochondrial function in the heart and maintain the health of the cardiac cells.
Likewise, this other study showed that thiamine in high doses when given to animals before. . .
being exposed to traumatic brain injury uh they showed that you can in many respects uh counteract the negative effects of of a bash on the head for these animals the authors concluded our data point to the thymine dependent enzyme as a major site of damage in mitochondria when the animals experience traumatic brain injury this is associated with neuroinflammation and can be corrected by thiamin okay this was also shown um in in cardio cardiomyocytes so so cardiac cells again um they showed that these results uh suggest that the cytoprotective effect of thiamine in cardiomyocytes under hypoxic stress is due to its ability to induce um heat shock proteins okay so just to add here there are some important non-coenzyme roles or non-cofactor roles meaning that thiamine is acting via a group of different mechanisms which aren't very well characterized but which are potentially very important in its protection against hostile environments.
So in its ability to increase antioxidant resistance, increase gene expression, etc. This is not occurring through thiamine as a cofactor for different enzymes. It's acting via other mechanisms. Now, again, Victoria Bunick and some of the other thiamine researchers have spoken about this more extensively in some of their different papers.
but it seems as though this might also play a very important role because if we look at some of the research which is showing protective effects of b1 then in many cases it's not been through increasing the active form of b1 but through acting via some other known mechanisms which haven't been well characterized so that's something to consider not a lot is known about how this works but it definitely does seem to work somehow a similar thing can be found in animals who are exposed to radiation this study showed that thiamin treatment nearly doubled the survival of brain cells after a radiation compared to those who didn't receive thiamin likewise there's other effects of b1 which are demonstrably anti-stress there's research showing that thiamin and one of the lipid soluble derivatives called benfotiamin can prevent stress-induced suppression of hippocampal neurogenesis so basically they exposed these animals to predator stress and what they showed was that you can give these animals high doses of thymine or benfotiamine not only does it protect against those detrimental effects on the brain from this chronic stress environment but that it also reduces some of the toxic effects of a chemical toxin such as paracort the herbicide again thiamin above the time and improve cognition and immediate stress induced behaviors another study looking at how thiamin can improve brain-derived neurotropic factor and spatial memory performance in um and another model of stress vitamin b1 supplementation was a protective tool to improve coping with chronic stress so guys all in all There is a bunch more research that I could share, that I could discuss.
There's many more studies, but I think that you probably get the point by now. It seems as though there is this conserved kind of function, or there's this set of properties, this ability to protect the organism or to support the organism in adaptation to stress, that thiamine is capable of providing. Now, what is very interesting is that this is conserved among plants.
among bacteria other microorganisms and also appears to be applicable for animals and humans and I think if we take this into consideration then it's not so surprising that actually diseases or modern day diseases which are fundamentally related to chronic stresses related to the organism under a condition of chronic stress that thiamin would be helpful in bringing someone out of that state I'm really interested in this concept this is really one of my primary passions and actually a lot of this information i've been i've been researching because i am putting it all into a book at the moment so i really just thought i'd share this with you because i think it's absolutely fascinating and can give us some insight into the miraculous kind of healing benefits of b1 which i think uh up until now have been really untapped and no one really knows that much about so um yeah if that's everything thanks for listening and uh see you next time.
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